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Resultados de su búsqueda "Diabetes: Diet".

04 Oct

Drinking Tea May Help Control Blood Sugar and Reduce Diabetes Risk, Study Finds

Drinking dark tea daily may help prevent type 2 diabetes through better blood sugar control, researchers say.

Resultados de noticias de salud - 46

Yogurt Makers Can Make Limited Claims About Type 2 Diabetes Prevention: FDA

Yogurt makers can now make limited claims about the food's power to help prevent type 2 diabetes, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says.

In a statement released Friday, the agency said it will not object to "qualified health claims" that say th...

Tea Drinkers May Gain Better Blood Sugar Control

Drinking dark tea daily may help balance blood sugar levels and stave off type 2 diabetes, the form of the disease most closely tied to obesity.

This is the main message from a new study that looked at tea-drinking habits and diabetes risk among people in China.

Folks who drank dark tea every day had a 53% lower risk of developing prediabetes and a 47% reduced risk for type 2 diabet...

Pediatricians' Group Warns Against Keto Diet for Kids With Diabetes

Low-carb diets may be all the rage, but they're not for kids with diabetes, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

In a new report, the AAP says that low-carbohydrate diets cannot be recommended for children or teenagers with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. That's because there's little evidence they're helpful, but there are concerns about restricting kids' diets to tha...

Kombucha May Help Control Blood Sugar in Folks With Type 2 Diabetes

Kombucha is a fermented tea that many folks believe offers numerous health benefits — and new research suggests they may be right.

Though the study was small -- 12 participants -- it found that kombucha may help lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Fermented with bacteria and yeasts, the drink has been consumed in China since 200 B.C. but it has been embraced in the ...

Timed Fasting Best Way for Those With Diabetes to Lose Weight

Restricting eating to certain times -- a regimen known as intermittent fasting -- may be the best way to help people with type 2 diabetes lose weight.

Researchers found that people with type 2 diabetes who ate only between noon and 8 p.m. lost more daily weight than those who counted calories.

Both strategies resulted in similar improvements to participants' blood sugar levels.


Could 'Produce Prescriptions' Save $40 Billion in Medical Bills Among Those With Diabetes? Study Says Yes

A bunch of healthy fruits and vegetables could be just what the doctor ordered.

Nonprofit groups and public health agencies have experimented with the idea of a produce prescription over the years. Now, a new study simulates what would happen if patients with diabetes and diet-related conditions were given free or discounted produce and nutrition education nationwide.

The researcher...

Fasting Later in Day Might Be Key to Controlling Blood Sugar: Study

Intermittent fasting is all the rage due to the lengthy list of health benefits associated with this style of eating.

Now, a new, small study suggests that one type of intermittent fasting — early time-restricted eating — may be key for preventing type 2 diabetes in people who are at high risk for the blood sugar disease.

The study included 10 people with prediabetes and o...

Have Type 2 Diabetes? Switching Daily Beverages Could Add Years to Your Life

Put down that sugary soda. It could be deadly, particularly if you have type 2 diabetes.

A nearly two-decade-long study linked high intake of sugar-sweetened beverages -- soda, lemonade and fruit punch -- with premature death in people with type 2 diabetes. The link was found for both h...

Vitamin D Could Be Weapon Against Type 2 Diabetes

Vitamin D supplements are typically used to guard against bone loss and fractures, but new research offers up another possibility: For folks with pre-diabetes, they may help lower the chances of a full diabetes diagnosis.

Across three clinical trials, investigators found that vitamin D supplements were modestly effective in curbing the risk of pre-diabetes progressing to type 2 diabetes. ...

Do You Need an Insulin-Resistance Diet?

People with health conditions like type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes or polycystic ovarian syndrome may have been advised about the value of an insulin-resistance diet.

But this way of eating can benefit most people interested in balancing blood sugars, whether that's to help treat or prevent chronic conditions, or just to gain more energy and better mood control.

"An ‘insulin...

Tips to Navigating Thanksgiving Dinner If You Have Diabetes

Eating a Thanksgiving feast, while still maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, may seem challenging if you have diabetes, but it's doable, experts say.

Nearly 40 million Americans deal with this issue every day, and not just for holiday meals.

To start: Don't skip breakfast or try to save your calories and carbohydrates for later in the day. That can just make you hungrier and wo...

Low Vitamin D Could Raise Diabetes Risk for Black Americans

Too little of the "sunshine vitamin" -- vitamin D -- in Black Americans could raise their odds of developing diabetes, new research suggests.

Two new studies found an association between levels of vitamin D in the blood and insulin resistance, a precursor to full-blown diabetes.

It's been long known that low blood levels of vitamin D "are associated with an increased risk of diabet...

Cutting Carbs Could Cut Your Risk for Diabetes

People at risk for developing diabetes could help themselves now by eating fewer carbs, according to new research.

While low-carb diets are a common next step for someone diagnosed with the disease, people who are prediabeti...

How Empty Cupboards Can Raise Diabetes Risk

Young adults who struggle to afford food face an increased risk of diabetes later in life, possibly due to the long-term effects of eating cheaper, less nutritious food.

That's the conclusion of researchers who analyz...

Vegan Diet Brings Weight Loss to Overweight and Diabetic Folks

Are you overweight or struggling with type 2 diabetes? Try going vegan, researchers suggest in a new data review.

Vegan diets are high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and seeds and have no animal-derived foods.

The meta-analysis of 11 studies published through March 2022 that included a total of nearly ...

Obesity Could Raise a Child's Odds for Type 1 Diabetes

Overweight kids don't have it easy, and a new study warns they may also at increased risk for type 1 diabetes later in life.

"A critical window exists in childhood to mitigate the influence of adiposity [being severely overweight, or obese] on the escalating numbers of type 1 diabetes diagnoses," said the study's lead author, Tom Richardson, a research fellow at the University of Bristol ...

Avoiding Diabetes May Include Avoiding Meat

Eating a healthy plant-based diet may help you head off type 2 diabetes, a new study suggests.

Healthy plant-based foods include fruits, vegetables, nuts, coffee/tea, vegetable oils and legumes. Unhealthy plant-based foods include refined grains, fruit juice...

More Fast-Food Outlets, More Diabetes in Your Neighborhood

Living near a fast-food restaurant may provide a quick fix if you're famished and pressed for time, but it may boost your odds for type 2 diabetes, a large study of U.S veterans suggests.

Neighborhoods with more supermarkets, however, may protect you against developing diabetes, especially in suburban and rural areas, the researchers said.

"The food availability choices in your envi...

Intermittent Fasting Can Cut Your Risk of Diabetes, Heart Disease

In terms of healthy eating, timing is everything.

That's the word from researchers who claim the time of day that you eat may be just as important for your health as what you eat.

Having your meals in a consistent window of 8 to 10 hours may help prevent and manage chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, according to the authors of a new study published online Sept. 22...

Cutting Sugar in Packaged Foods Would Keep Millions of Americans From Illness: Report

Sugar is killing Americans in droves, according to researchers who found that reducing the sweetener in packaged foods and beverages could prevent more than 2 million strokes, heart attacks and cardiac arrests.

Less sugary packaged foods and drinks would also curb nearly a half-million heart-related deaths and an even greater number of diabetes cases in the United States, according to the...

Diet Key to Better Health in People With Diabetes

A diet rich in fresh veggies, fruit and fiber has meaningful benefits for people with diabetes, a new research review confirms.

Doctors have long recommended this kind of "low-glycemic" eating regimen to help patients manage their diabetes and keep blood sugar levels steady. The new review of findings from 29 different trials lends support for that advice.

"Although it was smal...

Americans With Diabetes Were Hit Hard by COVID Pandemic

As many as two of every five Americans who've died from COVID-19 were suffering from diabetes, making the chronic disease one of the highest-risk conditions during the pandemic, an expert says.

About 40% of deaths from COVID-19 in the United States were among diabetics, a "really quite sobering" statistic that should prompt people with the ailment to get vaccinated, said Dr. Robert Gabbay...

America Is Losing the War Against Diabetes

After years of improvement, Americans with diabetes may be losing some ground in controlling the condition, a new government-funded study shows.

Researchers found that between 1999 and the early 2010s, U.S. adults with diabetes made substantial gains: A growing percentage had their blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol down to recommended levels.

Since then, the picture has ch...

Fewer Than 1 in 10 American Adults Get Enough Dietary Fiber

If you're like most American adults, it might be time to reach for a piece of fruit, a plate of vegetables or a bowl of whole grains.

Only 7% of adults get enough fiber, a type of carbohydrate that passes through the body undigested and supports not only regular bowel movements, but also offers important health benefits. Too little fiber is associated with a higher risk of both heart dise...

A Fruitful Approach to Preventing Diabetes

Want to lower your risk of diabetes? Eat plenty of fruit.

An Australian study suggests that two servings a day could lower the odds of developing type 2 diabetes by 36%.

"A healthy diet and lifestyle, which includes the consumption of whole fruits, is a great strategy to lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes," said lead author Nicola Bondonno of the Institute for Nutrition R...

Breakfast Timing Could Affect Your Odds for Diabetes

Could the time you eat your breakfast determine your health?

Yes, suggests new research that finds eating your morning meal before 8:30 a.m. may reduce your risk for developing type 2 diabetes.

People in the study who ate breakfast early had lower blood sugar levels and less insulin resistance than folks who ate a later breakfast. Insulin resistance occurs when your body becomes res...

Begin Routine Diabetes Screening at 35 for Overweight, Obese Americans: Task Force

Screening for prediabetes or type 2 diabetes in people who are overweight or obese should start at age 35 instead of 40, an expert panel now says.

Such screening should continue until age 70, according to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, an independent, volunteer panel of national experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine.

"Health care providers can help people impro...

Obesity Helps Drive Half of New Diabetes Cases Among Americans

Obesity is the culprit in up to half of new diabetes cases among Americans each year, a new study estimates.

Researchers found that over nearly two decades, obesity contributed to anywhere from 30% to 53% of new type 2 diabetes diagnoses among middle-aged and older Americans. That higher percentage was seen in recent years, as the prevalence of obesity rose nationally.

"It very clea...

Whole Wheat Better for You Than White Bread, Study Confirms

New research reinforces advice to include more whole grains in your diet.

A diet heavy in "refined" grains (such as white bread, cookies and muffins) may increase your risk for heart disease and early death, while whole grains may lower it, according to the study.

"We encourage people to have moderate consumption of carbohydrates and to have different types of grain, especially whol...

Strict Low-Carb Diets Could Push Type 2 Diabetes Into Remission, But Effect Fades

Tough limits on carbohydrates in your meals can help get type 2 diabetes under control -- but the benefits typically wane over time, a new research review shows.

The analysis of 23 small trials found that low-carb diets worked better than other eating plans in helping people lose weight and send their type 2 diabetes into remission. That was true, at least, in the first six months.


Mediterranean Diet Cuts Women's Odds for Diabetes

Overweight women who eat a Mediterranean-like diet may reduce their odds of developing type 2 diabetes by 30%, compared with women who don't, a new study suggests.

The Mediterranean diet is rich in olive oil, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Previously, it has been linked with a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and other conditions.

"The findi...

Tired, Anxious, Overweight: How Lockdowns May Have Harmed Your Health

You might be onto something if you suspect your mental and physical health declined during the COVID-19 lockdown earlier this year.

Stay-at-home orders appear to have had an overall bad effect on people's health around the world, a global survey shows.

People reported that they gained weight during the lockdown, were less active, suffered from poor sleep, and experienced increased s...

Upping Fruit, Veggies, Grain Intake Can Cut Your Diabetes Risk by 25%

Eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods could lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, two new studies suggest.

In one study, researchers looked at more than 9,700 people who developed type 2 diabetes and over 13,600 who didn't. Participants were from eight European countries and part of a long-term cancer and nutrition study.

After adjusting for lifestyle, and soci...

More Evidence Sugary Drinks Harm Women's Hearts

Women who drink a lot of sodas, sweetened juices and other sugary drinks are at greater risk of developing heart disease, a new study finds.

Those who drink one or more a day have nearly a 20% higher risk than women who never do. And it's not just soda that's problematic: Fruit drinks with added sugars are also a culprit, researchers say.

Though the study does not pro...

Could Carb-Heavy Meals Keep You From Good Sleep?

Pasta, white bread, sugary candy and baked goods: Americans love them, but could all those "refined" carbohydrates and sugars be keeping people up at night?

About 30% of Americans have insomnia, and a new study finds carb-heavy diets may share part of the blame.

The study looked at diet-linked fluctuations in blood sugar, said lead author James Gangwisch. He is assistant...

Changing Timing, Frequency of Meals May Help With Diabetes

When you eat and how often you eat can make a big impact on your weight and insulin needs if you have type 2 diabetes, new research suggests.

The study found that people who ate three meals a day instead of six smaller meals, and moved the timing of those meals to earlier in the day, needed less insulin, improved their blood sugar and lost more than 10 pounds to boot.


Just a Little Weight Loss Can Put Diabetes Into Remission

British researchers have good news for people with type 2 diabetes -- you don't need to lose a ton of weight to make a difference in your health.

In fact, they found that losing just 10% of your body weight during the first five years you have the disease can lead to remission of type 2 diabetes. That weight loss would be 18 pounds for someone who weighs 180 pounds.


Keeping Blood Sugar Steady Helps You Live Longer With Diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, keeping your blood sugar levels stable over time may be key to living longer.

New research finds that people who have more swings in their blood sugar levels were more than twice as likely to die early, compared to folks with more stable blood sugar management.

The study authors used a test called hemoglobin A1C to measure blood sugar. This com...

Fish Oil Not a Magic Pill Against Diabetes

WEDNESDAY, Aug. 21, 2019 (HealthDay News) -- It would be welcome news to millions if fish oil supplements were proven to help prevent diabetes. But new research delivers very disappointing data on the prospect.

Previous research has hinted that fish oil supplements -- which contain omega-3 fatty acids -- might improve blood sugar metabolism and possibly stave off type 2 diabetes. Bu...

Keto Diet May Help Control Type 2 Diabetes

The keto diet has plenty of weight-loss devotees who swear by the high fat, low-carb plan. Now, new research from India suggests it may benefit people with type 2 diabetes.

The study team found that people following a ketogenic diet for three months saw significant improvement in their blood sugar control.

"A five to 10% carbohydrate diet over three months led to a rem...

Plant-Based Diet Helps Keep Diabetes at Bay

Turns out that the old adage -- an apple a day keeps the doctor away -- may actually be true. New research suggests that the more plant foods you eat, the lower your risk of type 2 diabetes.

People who ate a mostly plant-based diet reduced their risk of diabetes by 23%, the study found.

The association was even stronger -- a 30% drop in risk of type 2 diabetes -- f...

What and How You Eat Affects Your Odds for Type 2 Diabetes

The kind of foods you eat, and even the order in which you eat them can affect your odds of developing type 2 diabetes, three new studies suggest.

The studies -- being presented to the American Society for Nutrition -- found:

  • Switching to a mostly plant-based diet (but one that could still include meat and dairy) could reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by as much as 6...

Could Diabetes Drug Metformin Help Keep People Slim?

New research suggests a first-line drug for treating type 2 diabetes -- metformin -- may help people with pre-diabetes maintain long-term weight loss.

People who lost weight while taking metformin maintained a loss of about 6% of their body weight for six to 15 years. People who lost weight through lifestyle changes -- eating healthily and exercising regularly -- managed to keep ...

No 'One-Size-Fits-All' Diet for Diabetics, Expert Panel Says

There is no one right diet for people with diabetes, and patients should instead have personalized nutrition plans, a new American Diabetes Association (ADA) report says.

There simply is no ideal percentage of calories from carbohydrates, proteins and fats. And combinations of different foods or food groups are acceptable for the management of diabetes and pre-diabetes, the report add...

Low-Carb Diets Linked to Higher Odds for A-Fib

Keto, Paleo, Atkins -- there's no shortage of low-carb diets to try, but new research suggests that over time, living low-carb can raise your risk of a heart condition called atrial fibrillation, or a-fib.

People who regularly got fewer than 45 percent of their calories from carbohydrates were 18 percent more likely to develop a-fib than people who ate a moderate amount of carbohydra...

Berkeley's Efforts Suggest Soda Taxes Do Cut Soda Sales

Tax it, and fewer folks will buy it.

So it goes with sugar-sweetened drinks, new research suggests.

The California city of Berkeley introduced the nation's first soda tax in 2014, and within months people were buying 21 percent fewer sugary drinks. Three years later, 52 percent fewer of these drinks were being sold while consumption of water rose 29 percent, the researche...

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