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Resultados de noticias de salud - 380

Bright Light at Night Could Raise Odds for Diabetes

Want to reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes? Avoid bright light at night, a recent study suggests.

More exposure to light at night, between 12:30 a.m. and 6 a.m., is linked to a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, researchers found.

That’s likely because...

Exposure to Plastics Chemical BPA May Raise Diabetes Risk

A common plastics chemical might increase a person’s risk of diabetes, a new study warns.

People fed small doses of Bisphonol A (BPA) developed significantly worse insulin sensitivity within a four-day period, researchers found.

“We were surprised to see that reducing BPA exposure, such as using sta...

Feel Sick? Waiting at Least 2 Days Before COVID Test Is Best

The COVID virus, or rather people's immune response to it, has changed and it might be prudent to wait a couple days after symptoms start before taking a COVID test, researchers report.

“For COVID, we found that if you only have one test, it’s best to wait two days after symptoms arise to use it, because the virus is unlikely to be detectable until then,” said study first author

New Insights Into How Microbiome Helps Cause Type 2 Diabetes

A person’s gut microbiome appears to increase their risk of developing type 2 diabetes, researchers claim.

Specific strains of gut microbes are more commonly found in people with type 2 diabetes, and these strains seem to heighten the risk of developing the metabolic...

Healthy Weight Loss Could Lower Your Odds for Cancer

Losing weight can protect you against cancers related to obesity, a new study finds.

Obesity has been linked to higher risk of at least 13 types of cancer, researchers said. This is largely due to excess levels of hormones like estrogen and insulin.

But study results show that dropping pounds can improve a person’s odds against developing these cancers, including

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • June 25, 2024
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  • Cholesterol Med Might Slow Vision Loss in People With Diabetes

    A well-established cholesterol-lowering drug appears to significantly slow the progression of a diabetes-related eye disease, a new trial shows.

    Fenofibrate (Tricor) has been approved since 2004 as a means of lowering cholesterol. Now, this new study shows ...

    Inhaled Insulin Could Help Folks With Type 1 Diabetes Avoid Needles

    Inhaled insulin could be a better option than injections or pumps for some patients with type 1 diabetes, a new clinical trial shows.

    Patients using inhaled insulin (Afrezza) plus long-lasting

    Using Diabetes Drug Metformin Around Pregnancy Won't Raise Birth Defect Risk

    Two new studies offer reassurance that using the diabetes drug metformin before and during pregnancy is not linked to birth defects.

    The latest findings, which apply to men planning to conceive with their partners or women in early pregnancy, contradict a 2022 study that found metformin use by men in the three months before ...

    Exercise at One Time of Day Might Be Best for Blood Sugar Control

    Folks trying to control their blood sugar levels might do best to work out in the evening, a new study suggests.

    Exercise performed between 6 p.m. and midnight appeared to be better at controlling blood sugar levels all day long, according to results published June 10 in the journal Obesity.

    This was partic...

    Statins, Metformin Can Cut Odds for Brain Aneurysms

    Common drugs used to control cholesterol, blood sugar and high blood pressure might also lower a person's risk of stroke, a new study finds.

    The researchers evaluated the risk of brain aneurysms that cause bleeding strokes in patients.

    For the study, they looke...

    GLP-1 Weight Loss Meds Might Keep Your Pancreas Healthy

    Ozempic and Wegovy might help lower the risk of pancreatitis in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes, a new study says.

    Up to now, doctors have been cautious about prescribing semaglutide to patients with a history of pancreatitis, because they feared the drug could worsen the condition, said lead...

    Costs, Side Effects Drive Folks to Quit New Weight-Loss Meds

    Three months after starting one of the new GLP-1 weight-loss drugs, more than a quarter of patients have already quit the medications, and by a year from first use more than a third have stopped, new research shows.

    Reasons for quitting Wegovy, Ozempic or similar drugs may include cost or gastrointestinal side effects, said a team led by U...

    Men Are More Debilitated by Diabetes Than Women

    Men are more vulnerable than women to the debilitating effects of diabetes, a new long-term study finds.

    Overall rates of diabetes are similar between men and women, according to the report published May 16 in the

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 17, 2024
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  • More Than 200 Insulin Pump Users Injured After App Causes Malfunction

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a Class 1 recall -- its most urgent kind -- for an IOS app linked to a specific kind of insulin pump used by people with diabetes.


  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 9, 2024
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  • Neuropathy Nerve Damage Often Goes Undiagnosed

    Though it is a widespread disorder, neuropathy often goes undiagnosed, new research shows, leaving many people at risk of falls, infection and even amputation.

    Neuropathy is nerve damage that causes numbness and pain in feet and hands. 

    A study of 169 people treated at an outpatient clinic in Flint, Mich., found that 73% had neuropathy. Three-quarters had not been diagnosed.

    About 90% of U.S. Adults Are On the Way to Heart Disease

    Nine of 10 American adults are in the early, middle or late stages of a syndrome that leads to heart disease, a new report finds, and almost 10% have the disease already.

    "Poor cardiovascular, kidney, and metabolic health is widespread among the U.S. population," concludes a team led by

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 8, 2024
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  • Key Therapy Equally Effective for Women, Men With Narrowed Leg Arteries

    Peripheral artery disease (PAD) involves a debilitating narrowing of arteries in the legs, and the National Institutes of Health estimates that 1 in every 20 Americans over 50 is affected.

    Research into best treatments for women with PAD is lacking, however. 

    Now, a study finds that less inva...

    Emulsifier Chemicals Are Everywhere in Foods. Could They Raise Diabetes Risk?

    Emulsifiers -- substances that are essential ingredients in processed foods -- appear to increase people's risk of type 2 diabetes, a new study finds.

    In fact, the more emulsifiers that people eat as part of their food, the higher their risk of type 2 diabetes, researc...

    Physical Ills Often Plague People With Schizophrenia, Bipolar

    Severe mental illness can contribute to a decline in a person's physical health, with many chronic conditions slowly eroding their wellness, a new review finds.

    People with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder are more than twice as likely to have multiple chronic health problems such as heart di...

    Managing Blood Sugar After Stroke Could Be Key to Outcomes

    Managing a stroke victim's blood sugar levels after they receive powerful clot-busting drugs might help them survive their health crisis, a new trial finds.

    People with high blood sugar levels were more likely to suffer a potentially deadly brain bleed after clot-busters reopened their blocked brain arteries, researchers found.

    The risk was particularly high in older patients with m...

    Dozens of COVID Virus Mutations Arose in Man With Longest Known Case

    An immune-compromised man with a year-and-a-half-long COVID infection served as a breeding ground for dozens of coronavirus mutations, a new study discovered.

    Worse, several of the mutations were in the COVID spike protein, indicating that the virus had attempted to evolve around current vaccines, researchers report.

    “This case underscores the risk of persistent SARS-CoV-2 infecti...

    Placenta Plays Role in Gestational Diabetes, Study Suggests

    The placenta could be one reason why some women develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy, a new study finds.

    A deficit in the way the placenta expresses the gene for a hormone called insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) appears linked to insulin resistance during pregnancy, researchers reported April 16 in the journal ...

    Wegovy Helps Those With Both Diabetes, Heart Failure: Study

    For people struggling with both diabetes and a common type of heart failure, the weight-loss drug Wegovy may do more for their health than help them shed pounds, new research suggests.

    In the study, published Saturday in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers reported that the drug helped people with typ...

    Eli Lilly Warns That 2 Insulin Products Will Be in Short Supply

    Drugmaker Eli Lilly & Co is announcing a temporary shortage of two of its insulin products.

    "The 10 mL [millilter] vials of Humalog® and Insulin Lispro Injection are or will be temporarily out of stock at wholesalers and some pharmacies through the beginning of April," Lilly said in a recent statement.

    The company said it is continuing to make the 10 mL vials, and "will ship t...

    Nerve Treatment Could Help Ease Diabetic Neuropathy

    A surgical treatment used to treat conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome and back sciatica might also help relieve the pain of patients with diabetic neuropathy, a new study finds.

    Surgical nerve decompression significantly eased pain among a small group of people with diabetic neuropathy for up to five years, researchers report.

    In the surgery, researchers removed inflexible tissu...

    How Blood Sugar Changes Affect Thinking in Folks With Type 1 Diabetes

    In people with type 1 diabetes, fluctuations in blood sugar levels can affect thinking skills in various ways, new research shows.

    Researchers looked specifically at what's known as cognitive processing speed (how fast people process incoming information) and attention.


    Science Has Created a Cow That Produces Insulin in Its Milk

    There may be an unexpected fix for ongoing shortages of insulin: A brown bovine in Brazil recently made history as the first transgenic cow able to produce human insulin in her milk.

    "Mother Nature designed the mammary gland as a factory to make protein really, really efficiently," explained study leader Matt Wheeler, a professor ...

    Diabetes Care Falters for Rural Patients: Study

    If you live in a small town and have diabetes, you're more likely to suffer serious setbacks than your cousin in the big city.

    New research shows that people in towns with fewer than 50,000 people have a significantly higher risk of diabetes-related complications, including heart attack and kidney disease.

    "Those who live in rural areas have a greater risk of experiencing eight out ...

    Wegovy, Ozempic Use Could Complicate Your Surgery

    Weight-loss drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic can increase a person's risk of throwing up during surgery while under anesthesia, a new study reports.

    People are typically asked to fast prior to surgery because general anesthesia can cause nausea, and they might inhale and choke on their own vomit.

    Unfortunately, part of the way that these drugs, called GLP-1 receptor agonists, help prom...

    FDA Clears First OTC Continuous Blood Glucose Monitor

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday approved the country's first continuous glucose monitor for type 2 diabetes.

    The new Dexcom Stelo Glucose Biosensor System, which will be available by summer, is intended for people 18 and older who have type 2 diabetes but do not take insulin, according to the agency.

    Also known as CGMs, these monitors consist of tiny sensors that pr...

    Diabetes Risk Rises for Folks Who Get Too Little Sleep

    Are you typically getting only a few hours sleep each night?

    Besides leaving you groggy all day, your insomnia could also be raising your odds for type 2 diabetes, new research shows.

    Compared to people who slept the recommended seven/eight hours per night, folks who habitually slept five hours per night had a 16% higher odds for the blood sugar illness, Swedish researchers found. ...

    Don't Use Smartwatches That Claim to Measure Blood Sugar, FDA Warns

    Some Americans living with diabetes are using smartwatches and smart rings that claim to be able to track their blood sugar.

    However, such claims from any device that does not pierce the skin are fraudulent and potentially dangerous, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned in an

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • February 22, 2024
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  • Página completa
  • Out-of-Pocket Costs Are Tough on Americans With Diabetes

    People with diabetes have to spend a ton of money to stay healthy, a new study reports.

    Total and out-of-pocket costs for diabetics run hundreds to thousands of dollars more than regular medical expenses for people without diabetes, researchers found.

    Type 1 diabetes costs nearly $25,700 a year to properly manage, with out-of-pocket charges running more than $2,000 for patients, res...

    Pregnancy Complications May Harm Child's Heart Health Long-Term

    Two of the most common pregnancy complications for women, high blood pressure and gestational diabetes, could jeopardize the future heart health of their children, a new study suggests. 

    Researchers found that the children of women who developed either or both of those conditions during pregnancy showed signs of less-than-ideal heart health before the age of 12. 


    When Weight Loss Cures Diabetes, Risks for Heart Disease Tumble, Too

    Folks who drop pounds to help control their diabetes receive other substantial heath benefits for all their efforts, a new study says.

    Substantial weight loss that led to even a short-lived remission in type 2 diabetes also prompted a 40% lower rate in heart disease and a 33% lower rate of kidney disease, researchers report in the Jan. 18 issue of the journal

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • January 19, 2024
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  • Página completa
  • More Americans Will Only Have to Pay $35 a Month for Insulin in 2024

    Managing diabetes will be a less expensive proposition for more Americans in 2024.

    Sanofi has officially joined Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly in lowering the cost of insulin to $35 a month for many patients. The three drugmakers are also drastically lowering the list prices for their insulin pr...

    Diabetes a Common Threat to Kids Who Survive Cancer

    Kids who've survived cancer face many health challenges, and a heightened risk for diabetes is one of them, new research shows.

    A team at St. Jude's Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., reports that these children have twice the odds of developing prediabetes (a precursor to full-blown diabetes) compared to kids without any history of cancer.

    “One of the striking features was th...

    Plant-Based Diets Cut Diabetes Risk by 24%

    A healthy plant-based diet can reduce a person's risk of type 2 diabetes by 24%, a new study has found.

    Eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains has this protective effect even in people with a genetic predisposition for diabetes or risk factors like obesity, advanced age or lack of physical activity, researchers report.

    And for the first time, researchers identifi...

    Half of Diabetes Patients on Ozempic, Mounjaro Stop Using the Meds

    Many Americans battling diabetes are turning to a new class of injected drugs that includes blockbusters like Ozempic (semaglutide) and Mounjaro (tirzepatide).

    But a new study finds half of patients who use these "second line" therapies -- a class called GLP-1 RAs -- quit them within a year.

    The main factor: Gastrointestinal issues like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, according to th...

    No Sign that Ozempic, Wegovy Pose Threat to the Fetus: Study

    The diabetes and weight-loss drug Ozempic does not appear to harm a developing fetus when taken by pregnant women, a new study reports.

    Researchers found no elevated risk of birth defects among newborns of women who took medications to control their type 2 diabetes, compared with those who took insulin.

    During the decade-long study, researchers saw an increase in people trying to co...

    Pounds Return Once Zepbound Users Quit the Weight-Loss Drug: Study

    Folks who take the blockbuster weight-loss med tirzepatide (Zepbound) may regain much of the weight they lost soon after discontinuing it, new research shows.

    A trial funded by Eli Lilly, the injected drug's maker, found that “in patients with obesity or overweight, withdrawing tirzepatide led to substantial regain of weight."

    On the other hand, continuing on with tirzepatide kept...

    Diabetes Meds Like Ozempic, Mounjaro Might Also Lower Risks for Colon Cancer

    Could blockbuster diabetes and weight-loss meds such as Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro and Zepbound also lower users' odds for colon cancer?

    New research suggests they might.

    All of these medications (and more) fall into a class of diabetes drugs known as glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs).

    The new study, from researchers at Case Western Reserve School of Medicin...

    Starting Periods Early Linked to Higher Odds for Diabetes, Stroke

    Girls whose periods begin before the age of 13 are at higher risk of becoming adult women with diabetes, compared to girls who start menstruation later, new research shows.

    An earlier onset of periods also appears to hike a woman's odds for stroke before the age of 65, the same study found.

    Why the link? According to the research team at Tulane University in New Orleans, exposure to...

    Your Walking Speed Influences Your Risk for Diabetes

    People can walk away their risk of developing type 2 diabetes -- but only if they walk fast enough, a new report finds.

    Folks who walk at least 2.5 miles an hour appear to have a significantly lower risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a study published Nov. 28 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine

    Too Little Sleep Might Raise a Woman's Odds for Diabetes

    Women who don't get enough sleep might have an increased risk of diabetes, an effect even more pronounced in postmenopausal females, a new study finds.

    Shortening sleep by just 90 minutes increased insulin resistance in women used to getting adequate sleep, researchers at Columbia University.

    The findings are the first to show that even a mild sleep deficit maintained for six weeks ...

    Prediabetes Plus Smoking a Deadly Combo for Young Adults

    Young people who smoke and have prediabetes have triple the risk of suffering a stroke, a new study shows.

    Overall, hospitalized tobacco users with prediabetes had a 3.3 times higher risk that they were in the hospital due to a stroke, after researchers accounted for other risk factors.

    The findings “warrant early screening and prevention strategies for prediabetes in young tobacc...

    Science Reveals Link Between Obesity, Diabetes & Pancreatic Cancer Risk

    Having high insulin levels may be more than tough to manage when you have diabetes: New research shows it also appears to raise the risk of pancreatic cancer.

    In the study, scientists found excessive insulin levels overstimulated pancreatic acinar cells, which produce digestive juices. This overstimulation triggers inflammation that turns these cells into precancerous cells.


    People's Heart Health Improves in More 'Flexible' Workplaces

    A kinder, more thoughtful workplace can lead to better heart health among older employees, a new study finds.

    Older workers' heart health risk factors decreased significantly when their office employed interventions designed to reduce work-family conflicts, researchers report in the Nov. 8 issue of the American Journal of Public Health.

    Specifically, their heart risk factor...

    Wegovy, Ozempic Probably Won't Harm Vision in People With Diabetes, Study Finds

    There's good news for people with diabetes who are turning to drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy to treat their disease and lose weight: The drugs probably will not harm their vision.

    Semaglutide (the generic name for both medicines) can trigger rapid drops in blood sugar. Prior research had linked these types of blood sugar changes with a worsening of a common diabetes complication called dia...

    FDA Approves New Diet Drug Zepbound, a Version of the Diabetes Med Mounjaro

    A second injectable diabetes drug has been approved for weight loss in overweight and obese adults, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Wednesday.

    The weight-loss drug Zepbound contains the same active ingredient, tirzepatide, as the diabetes drug Mounjaro. Both medications are made by Eli Lilly and Co.

    “Obesity and overweight are serious conditions that can be associa...

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