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67 Results for search "Dieting To Lower Fat Intake".

Health News Results - 67

New research suggests a first-line drug for treating type 2 diabetes -- metformin -- may help people with pre-diabetes maintain long-term weight loss.

People who lost weight while taking metformin maintained a loss of about 6% of their body weight for six to 15 years. People who lost weight through lifestyle changes -- eating healthily and exercising regularly -- managed to keep ...

It's hard to keep up with the findings from studies on the health effects of saturated fat -- you know, the fat typically found in animal foods, from red meat to whole milk. But one thing's certain.

For every study that finds saturated fats unhealthy, there's another showing that its role in heart disease and other chronic conditions is still open for discussion.

For example...

A long-running study questions the conventional wisdom that a healthy diet may help ward off dementia.

European researchers followed more than 8,200 middle-aged adults for 25 years -- looking at whether diet habits swayed the odds of being diagnosed with dementia. In the end, people who ate their fruits and vegetables were at no lower risk than those who favored sweets and steaks.


A lot of people struggle to maintain their ideal weight, but repeatedly losing and regaining pounds -- known as yo-yo dieting -- probably won't do your heart any favors.

A new study found that women who lost at least 10 pounds, but then put that weight back on within a year, were more likely to have risk factors for heart disease. The more times someone went on a yo-yo diet, the worse...

Young adults who eat a heart-healthy diet may also be protecting their brain in middle age, a new study suggests.

It included more than 2,600 participants who were an average age of 25 at enrollment and followed for 30 years. They were asked about their eating habits at the beginning of the study and again seven and 20 years later.

They were grouped according to how closely ...

Fast food fans today are ordering off menus that have grown more apt to make them fat.

Portion sizes have risen dramatically over the past three decades at the most popular fast food restaurants in the United States, a new study has found.

As a result, the amount of calories and excess sodium has also increased among fast food offerings, said lead author Megan McCrory, a res...

Fast-food restaurants get a bad rap for menus chockful of high-fat, high-salt foods with little nutrition. But are fast casual and sit-down chains better? The answer may surprise you.

A University of South Carolina study looked at the calories in lunch and dinner entrees and found that fast-casual dishes had, on average, 200 more calories than fast-food ones -- 760 compared to 560. Me...

Has a high-fat meal ever left you feeling bloated and sluggish? It turns out that a heavier fat diet may keep the many bacteria that live in your digestive system from doing their best, too.

New research found that when people boosted their fat intake to 40 percent of their daily diet for six months, the number of "good" gut bacteria decreased while "unhelpful" bacteria amounts incre...

If you're in your 50s and your typical day involves sitting at a desk followed by lounging on the sofa and succumbing to late-night snacks, the long-term toll on your mind might be greater than you think.

Like dominoes, an unhealthy lifestyle can trigger inflammation throughout your body, which can then accelerate wear-and-tear on your brain, a new study suggests.

The result...

You don't have to give up tropical drinks and chocolatey desserts for Valentine's Day and other celebrations. Just streamline them and boost their health profile.

Sweet and fiber-rich pears can be whipped into great cocktails. Most pears at the grocery store or even at the farmer's market are picked early, since they can get easily damaged once ripe. To ripen at home, let pears rest i...

Every five years, the U.S. government updates its dietary guidelines based in part on new research, but always with the goal of disease prevention.

The 2015-2020 guidelines stress the need to shift to healthier foods and beverages. Although research links vegetables and fruits to a lower risk of many chronic illnesses and suggests they may protect against some cancers, roughly 3 out o...

Chips, dips, wings and other fatty and salty things -- Super Bowl parties can be a challenge for people with diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, an expert warns.

"For people with diabetes, the goal is to keep the carbohydrates down -- and encourage more of the protein-rich foods -- to enhance satiety," said Jo Ann Carson, dietician-nutritionist at UT Southwestern Medica...

Candy dishes, cupcakes and cookies abound in the typical office, so if you're striving to eat healthy, the workplace can be a culinary minefield.

Researchers surveyed more than 5,000 people and found that about one in four working adults said they got food or beverages from work at least once a week. Many of those foods were high in calories, processed grains, and added sugar and sal...

There's no doubt that an unhealthy diet and couch potato lifestyle put your health at risk, but when considering improvements, should you change one at a time or both at once?

Northwestern University researchers found that it's not only doable, but also more effective, to change unhealthy behaviors simultaneously. Different groups of study participants were given a pair of changes to ...

Thinking of eating healthier in 2019? Kickstarting with the Whole30 diet may be a good choice, a dietitian suggests.

But you have to be careful when you start a diet that restricts foods. These diets can be risky, according to Ohio State's Lori Chong, a certified diabetes educator.

The Whole30 program is only supposed to be used for 30 days. The diet requires you to cut out...

After indulging in big, rich, holiday meals, cholesterol levels go through the roof, Danish researchers report.

After Christmas, cholesterol levels jumped 20 percent from summer levels among the 25,000 people studied.

Your risk of having high cholesterol becomes six times higher after the Christmas break, the scientists said.

"Our study shows strong indications th...

For many, the start of the new year signals the start of a new diet. But what's the best way to eat if you want to lose weight?

For overall healthy eating, the best diet plan is the Mediterranean diet, according to U.S. News & World Report's annual diet review. The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet was ranked second on the magazine's overall Best Diets 201...