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Results for search "Appendicitis".

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Stephen Colbert Returns to Late Night Show After Ruptured Appendix

Comedian Stephen Colbert returned to his popular late night talk show this week after recovering from a ruptured appendix he suffered roughly three weeks ago.

During his monologue on Monday, the talk show host told the audience he was taping back-to-back episodes around Nov. 20 when he experienced almost unbearable pain....

Study Finds Good Long-Term Outcomes for Appendicitis Treated Without Surgery

Most people with appendicitis who are given antibiotics -- instead of having their appendix removed -- fare well over the long haul, new research indicates.

The conclusion follows roughly two decades spent tracking patient outcomes in Sweden.

The study found that among those initially treated solely with antibiotics, rather than surgery, less than half ended up experiencing another ...

Appendicitis Often Spotted Later in Black Patients

While appendicitis is a common emergency, Black people experiencing its symptoms more often have a delayed diagnosis.

But that doesn't happen in lower-quality hospitals that serve more Black patients, according to new research. There, Black people are diagnosed more quickly.

"There is clearly a benefit to patients being treated in predominantly minority-serving hospitals when they a...

Cancer Can Strike the Appendix, Too

What appears to be appendicitis can actually be cancer of the appendix in some cases, especially in patients under the age of 50, a new study suggests.

While antibiotics can be used instead of surgery to treat acute appendicitis, patients who receive antibiotics should be closely followed in case they actually have cancer, according to the paper published online March 17 in the

Low-Dose CT Scans Can Diagnose Appendicitis

CT scans expose patients to radiation even as they help doctors spot serious health problems. Now a new study finds low-dose scans can readily spot appendicitis while reducing patients' radiation exposure.

"The results of this study suggest that the diagnostic CT scan radiation dose can be significantly decreased without impairing diagnostic accuracy," said lead study author Paulina Salmi...

Smoking Rates High Among Surgery Patients

U.S. surgery patients have a high rate of smoking, which could be one reason why some wind up on the operating table, researchers say.

A look at nearly 329,000 Michigan residents who had common surgical procedures between 2012 and 2019 found that nearly a quarter had smoked in the past year. In comparison, just over 14% of U.S. adults smoked in 2019.

The highest rates of smoking wer...

Pandemic Causing Dangerous Delays in Care When Appendicitis Strikes Kids

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors became concerned that people were delaying needed medical care to avoid hospitals. Now a new study hints that some parents may have waited to get emergency treatment for their children's appendicitis.

Appendicitis is a painful inflammation of the appendix, a finger-shaped pouch that extends from the colon, on the lower right side of the abdomen.

Antibiotics May Be Best First Treatment for Appendicitis

For some patients suffering from appendicitis, antibiotics may do the trick, a large U.S. trial suggests.

More than 70% of patients who received antibiotics avoided surgery for at least 90 days, according to the new report.

"When we compared the outcomes of people treated with antibiotics alone or surgery to remove the appendix, we found that people receiving either tr...

Measles Complications Can Affect Every Organ: Study

Hepatitis, appendicitis and viral meningitis are among the serious complications that can occur when you get the measles, doctors warn in a new report.

The study -- which outlines cases involving three adults who developed major complications -- is also a reminder of the importance of vaccination against the illness.

Measles is highly contagious, but it's also easily prevent...

Does Removing Your Appendix Put You at Risk for Parkinson's?

It's a connection few have probably considered, but new research suggests that having your appendix removed may up your risk for Parkinson's disease down the road.

The finding follows an analysis that examined health records for roughly 62 million patients. Of these, about 488,000 had an appendectomy. Among those who had the surgery, just under 1% developed the progressive nervous...