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11 Resultados de su búsqueda "Sleep Problems: Misc.".

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What is valerian? Valerian root (Valeriana officinalis) is an herb that has been used as a sleeping aid for more than 1,000 years. Many people (especially in Europe) still take it before going to bed. It's also an ingredient in many over-the-counter sleep products in this country. Does it really help promote sleep? Several small human studies have found that valerian root extract reduced the time...

Your second trimester may be a welcome reprieve from the sleep disturbances during early pregnancy: Bathroom wake-up calls, sleep-sapping nausea, and an overwhelming desire for daytime naps can all wreak havoc on night-time slumber. It's also a chance to get those ZZZs you desperately need before third trimester bulk and other discomforts lead to sleep-deprived nights. Read on for more tips on get...

Waking up at night? Having trouble falling asleep? Join the club. Most pregnant women have sleep problems in their third trimesters, waking three to five times a night on average. But don't despair -- there are strategies that can help you have a restful night. Read on for more tips on getting a good night's sleep during pregnancy. Sweet dreams! Desperately seeking a comfy sleeping position Feelin...

New parents are easy to spot: The bloodshot eyes and dazed expressions are an instant tip-off. Although the birth of a child is a joyous event, many parents are taken aback by how exhausted they feel during those first weeks and months. Newborns usually require constant attention -- they need to eat every hour or two and have their diapers changed just about as often. As a new parent, you may fee...

If you've ever seen a young child in the grip of a night terror, you'll never forget it. He'll wail in panic, scream, and thrash about like a small animal. His eyes are wide open but he doesn't recognize or even see you. A child with a night terror is caught in a zone between sleep and wakefulness, and it's impossible to wake him up or give him much comfort; he is inconsolable. Night terrors usual...

Anybody who has ever tossed and turned after a rough day at work knows that stress can make it hard to get a good night's sleep. But the connection between sleep and stress is a two-way street. Just as surely as stress interrupts sleep, lack of sleep can be an uncomfortably large source of stress. People working night shifts could be Exhibit A in the trial of sleep vs. stress. Humans aren't meant...

During the downhill ski competition at the 2006 winter Olympics, American Lindsey Kildow took a crushing fall that landed her in the hospital for a day. Her competitor Michaela Dorfmeister of Austria was in a pitched battle for the first gold medal of her life. The night before the decisive downhill race, both women slept fitfully, the New York Times reported in its Olympic coverage. Kildow had a...

Why is it important to get my child to bed early? Kids need a lot of sleep to function at their best. Toddlers and preschoolers may need 11 and a half to 13 and a half hours of sleep every day, and at this age, a later bedtime doesn't usually mean a later rising time. Children who don't get enough sleep tend to be cranky, irritable, and easily frustrated. Some even become overactive in an effort ...

Most parents are prepared for the sleepless nights that come with having an infant, but few expect them to last more than a few months. Seasoned moms and dads know, however, that what with bad dreams, extra glasses of water, and monsters under the bed, there's a good chance they won't enjoy a full eight hours of uninterrupted sleep until their kids are practically grown up. A little knowledge goes...

We all get that drained feeling every once in awhile. Usually, we can pinpoint the cause -- perhaps a restless night's sleep, a hard day's work, or a long drive through uninteresting country. Most people can perk up with a little well-deserved rest. But if fatigue is following you throughout your day, you need to find out what's going on with your energy supply. Here's a look at ways to overcome ...

Do you have trouble getting enough sleep at night? Join the crowd -- the bleary-eyed, cranky, exhausted crowd. An estimated three out of four American adults have trouble sleeping peacefully. They either have trouble falling asleep or they wake up too early, or both. Fortunately, there are some simple solutions for better sleep. Try these tips and see if they help you get more satisfying slumber: ...