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64 Results for search "Child Psychology".

Wellness Library Results

Your baby has a lot on his mind. Now that he's moving around, he faces all sorts of new decisions and dilemmas. Which part of the house should he explore next? What's the best way to get there? And what should he do once he arrives? He's also thinking harder about the world around him and his place in it. Even when he makes bad decisions -- why would he put oatmeal there? -- he's constantly buildi...

At this age, your baby's social circle isn't very large. Of all of the friends, relatives, and strangers who drift in and out of her life, she really only cares about a few key people. And you're one of them. Throughout the day, she'll make many attempts to get your attention and draw you into her world. Yelling may be one of her favorite tactics. When she screams for attention, the best thing y...

Your 6-month-old still has a limited social life. He can recognize his mom and dad, and he enjoys it when someone plays with him or talks to him. But at this age, he doesn't give much thought to other people. His notion of "love" may be primitive, but he still needs plenty of it. You should comfort him when he cries and give him lots of cuddles. At this age, it's impossible to spoil him. He just...

Your baby is on the verge of a scientific breakthrough. After many experiments, he's starting to realize that his actions have consequences. When he hits his mobile, it moves. When he lets go of his rattle, it falls. And when he cries, mom comforts him. He's learning that life isn't quite as random as it seemed. More important, he's learning that he has some control over his world. He's especial...

Your baby loves to move. It's almost as if she still remembers her cramped quarters from a few months ago and is making the most of her newfound freedom. She can get a surprising amount of exercise while lying on her back. Put her down on her blanket, and she'll probably kick and flap as if trying to take flight. She's not getting very far, but her excited squeals tell you she's having a great t...

Your baby lives in a perplexing world, but some things are coming into focus. New research has shown that your baby now has 20/60 vision, although his brain isn't able to process all of its visual information yet. For the first time, his eyes are working together, giving him the gift of depth perception. Now when he reaches for a toy, he's less likely to miss by a mile. His eyes can also track mov...

Your baby may spend a lot of time looking pensive, but she's not exactly a deep thinker. When she furrows her brow and purses her lips, she's more likely to be filling her pants than doing algebra. Still, she's starting to take some amazing mental leaps. For the first time, she's beginning to understand the wonders of cause and effect. She'll start to realize that her crib shakes when she kicks ...

Your baby's mind is becoming as active as his body. He's having important insights about himself, the people around him, and his surroundings. He's smart enough to remember the past and anticipate the future. He's also smart enough to feel bored and lonely. He shouldn't be left alone in his crib or playpen for more than a half-hour at a time. He needs regular opportunities to move around, play wit...

By now, your baby is moving towards all sorts of fun and mischief. Different babies have different methods for getting around. Some scoot on their bellies, some use their arms to push themselves backwards, and some have already mastered the classic forward crawl. However your baby decides to crawl, she needs your help to polish her skills, have fun, and stay safe. Watch her face as she works on ...

Your baby is full of emotions, and he's more than willing to put them on display. He can go from laughter to tears and back again faster than you can change his clothes. Dealing with his up-and-down feelings can be a tiring job, but there's an upside: If you don't like his attitude, just wait a few minutes. He'll soon have a new one. The more time you spend with your child, the happier he'll be....

Your baby's curiosity dwarfs her attention span. She'll be fascinated by just about everything -- for a little while, at least. She'll move from a toy to a book to another toy like a baby on a mission. She's trying to make sense of the things around her, and she's learning every day. Few missions in life are more important. Your baby may have a thirst for learning, but it's probably too early to...

At this age, your baby needs love about as much as he needs food. Your hugs, cuddles, and kind words are crucial for his physical, intellectual, and emotional growth. He knows it, too. Why else would he try so hard to win your affection? More than ever before, your baby really aims to please. He'll enjoy showing off new skills, and he'll beam with happiness when you say "way to go" or "good job....

Your baby continues to add new moves to his repertoire. He may now be able to crawl while holding something in his hand, opening up brand-new opportunities to put things where they don't belong. He might be able to spin around on his bottom, a move he'll practice over and over. He might also be able to stand briefly if you hold his hand. At his age, standing is usually exciting business. He'll c...

Gaga. Mama. Baba. Listening to a baby talk at this age is a bit like searching for diamonds in a rock pile. Real words will be surrounded by nonsense syllables. And even when you hear a word, it's hard to tell if he really means it. He may say "no" when he's thinking "yes," and he may say "mama" for absolutely no reason at all. He's still figuring out what his mouth can do. You should keep encoura...