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Resultados de su búsqueda "Diarrhea".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 12

People are more prone to coming down with a common gastrointestinal infection on hot, humid days, new research shows.

The British study suggests that climate change and global warming could increase cases of diarrheal illness caused by campylobacter bacterial infections.

"This information is invaluable, as illnesses such as campylobacteriosis not only cause discomfort to in...

Four symptoms could provide early warning of colon cancer in younger adults.

Being aware of these red flags could lead to earlier detection and diagnosis for those under age 50, said researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

The telltale symptoms are abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, diarrhea and iron deficiency anemia.

The death rate from colon canc...

A leading group of U.S. tummy doctors wants Americans to get used to talking about their bowel symptoms, at least with their physicians.

People are hesitant to discuss digestive trouble with a medical professional, with one in three saying they would mention it only if their doctor brought it up first, according to the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA).

That's even with...

If you often have a stomachache after eating, you're not alone, a new survey finds. One in 10 people experience frequent meal-related pain.

This includes 13% of women and 9% of men, and is most common in 18- to 28-year-olds (15%), according to an online survey of more than 54,000 people in 26 countries.

"The take home message from this study is that people who experience meal-relate...

Some people severely ill with COVID-19 may struggle to regain lost weight for months afterward, a new study shows.

While COVID-19 is primarily a respiratory illness, it's become clear that the infection can wreak havoc on the body in many ways. Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms -- like nausea, diarrhea and even bleeding in the digestive tract -- are among the manifestations.

In some ca...

An experimental vaccine helps protect monkeys against bacteria that cause diarrhea in millions of children worldwide, researchers report.

Bacterial gastroenteritis -- a digestive problem associated with malnutrition among millions of children younger than age 5 each year in developing nations -- can be caused by Campylobacter bacteria. Repeated infections can stunt growth and ...

In the thick of the coronavirus pandemic, it might be hard to tell if you've come down with COVID-19, spring allergies or a cold, which all have some similar symptoms.

Fever and dry cough are common symptoms of COVID-19, along with shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, sore throat, diarrhea, fatigue, chills, muscle pain, loss of taste and smell, and body aches.

But i...

Probiotic supplements containing "killed" bacteria might help some people with irritable bowel syndrome find relief, a new study suggests.

Experts said the findings add to evidence that certain probiotics can help some people with irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. And it's the first trial to test a probiotic with bacteria that were heat-killed -- which, the researchers say, could make...

When most people think of COVID-19, they imagine symptoms such as a dry cough and high fever. But new research out of China shows that a minority of cases appear with gastrointestinal symptoms only.

In about one-quarter of patients in the new study, diarrhea and other digestive symptoms were the only symptoms seen in mild COVID-19 cases, and those patients sought medical care later th...

Diarrhea and other digestive symptoms are the main complaint in nearly half of coronavirus patients, Chinese researchers report.

Most patients with the coronavirus have respiratory symptoms, but these findings from the early stages of the outbreak show that digestive problems are prevalent in many patients with COVID-19.

"Clinicians must bear in mind that digestive symptoms,...

Injuries, heart attacks, lung infections, strokes and other medical emergencies caused about half of the world's 28 million deaths in 2015, a new study reports.

Such deaths are on the rise, and rates are much higher in poor countries than wealthy ones, the researchers said.

"We believe our study is among the first to identify the scope of the burden emergency medical conditi...

A popular anti-diarrheal drug is fast becoming another dangerous byproduct of the opioid crisis, as more addicts take huge quantities of it to ease withdrawal symptoms or get dangerously high.

Investigators found that the number of patients who were reported to the U.S. National Poison Data System after taking toxic doses of loperamide (one over-the-counter brand is Imodium) skyrocket...