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177 Results for search "Pregnancy".

Wellness Library Results

Scary stories about cats and babies abound, most nothing more than superstition. But there are real diseases associated with changing the kitty litter while you're pregnant. Fortunately, with a few precautions, you can minimize the risks and still enjoy your favorite feline. Why is kitty litter a potential danger during pregnancy? Cats can become transmitters of toxoplasmosis, a disease they can ...

There's no way to truly understand labor until you've been through it. No matter how much you've read or how many people you've talked to, you'll be shocked by the intensity of your feelings, both physical and emotional. But that doesn't mean you want to go blindly into the birthing room. You can take some of the shock and uncertainty out of childbirth by learning about the basic process of labor....

Just as every pregnancy is different, every delivery is unique. Some women get no clues that labor is around the corner, and then -- wham! -- here it comes. Others have telltale signs for weeks, maybe even a false start or two, before the real thing begins. The simple truth is, there's no way to predict exactly when you'll go into labor. In fact, no one even knows for sure what triggers the big ev...

Why do I get leg cramps? Leg cramps are a common discomfort during pregnancy. It's unclear exactly what causes these bothersome muscle spasms, though a number of different factors may play a role. It could be a simple case of overwork: The added weight of pregnancy means your leg muscles have more to support. Your growing baby and expanding abdomen also put extra pressure on your circulatory sys...

Humans are closely tuned to their surroundings - especially when it comes to making babies. Just as bears and elk wait for the right season to sire offspring, our bodies reach the peak of fertility only when conditions seem right for raising babies. If there's any sign of illness, malnourishment, or an unhealthy environment, our bodies may decide to put parenthood on hold. That said, you may feel...

You're a working woman, and the moment you found out you were pregnant, several thoughts probably flashed across your mind: 1) Is it a boy or a girl? 2) Will my baby be healthy? 3) How much time can I get off when my baby arrives? Fortunately, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 has made it illegal for employers to fire or demote you because you decided to become a mother. And the Family and ...

What with planning the nursery, stocking up on baby clothes, seeing your doctor, and all the other pregnancy-related activities devouring your time and attention, who's got time to worry about what to wear? But as the weeks fly by and your baby grows larger, there's no escaping it: You're going to need some new clothes. If you're worried about how to stretch your clothing budget when your clothes ...

You only glanced at the headlines on a local tragedy, yet you find yourself weeping. A sappy movie that should have made you cringe with embarrassment makes you nostalgic. With no provocation, you bark at your partner. Pregnancy is an emotionally volatile time, so it's no surprise that you're on a roller coaster. Hang on and don't worry. You're not crazy, and it isn't permanent. Mood swings are a ...

Why am I nauseous? Do I have morning sickness? Morning sickness is one of the notable misnomers in medicine -- nausea during pregnancy can occur at any time of day. Although many women are queasiest when they wake up, others find that they suffer a daily bout of nausea in the late afternoon or just after dinner. As many women have found out, you can definitely experience morning sickness on an emp...

Bundles of joy just keep getting bigger. The March of Dimes reports that in the United States alone, twin births jumped 70 percent between 1980 and 2004. The rate of "higher order multiples" -- doctorspeak for triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets, and so on -- quadrupled between 1980 and 1998. Talk about a baby boom! The rate of multiple births appears to be leveling off in recent years, but still, ...

What is a nonstress test? A nonstress test is a simple, noninvasive procedure that involves monitoring your baby's heartbeat to make sure your baby is getting the oxygen he needs through the placenta. This test helps your doctor determine if your baby is distressed and make plans for delivery if he is. When is a nonstress test performed? The test is usually recommended in the third trimester i...

If you've ever packed at the last minute for an important trip, you know that you're likely to leave behind the one thing you really need, that one little item you end up kicking yourself for forgetting. Maybe it's the extra memory card for your digital camera, your favorite shampoo, or the coffee you just can't start your day without. But for the trip to the hospital to have your baby, start ear...

Choosing a baby doctor is something that many parents don't think much about. They spend hours picking out a crib and push a dozen different strollers before settling on one, but they barely consider the person who will be a vital part of their child's development. But nothing could be more important. The doctor who gives your baby her first set of immunizations could very well be the same docto...

What is placenta previa? When the placenta, which conducts blood from the mother's body to the developing fetus, is located so low in the uterus that it lies across the cervix (the opening of the womb), the condition is called placenta previa. The placenta may cover part or all of the cervix, blocking the baby from coming out. In about one out of 200 births, placenta previa persists until birth. ...

When a mother-to-be looks forward to life with a newborn, she might envision a scene out of a Hallmark card, the new parents bathed in a rosy glow, smiling lovingly down at their baby. And there will be those times, of course: The birth of a child is a time that most parents look back on as a high point in life. But for many women, the period after giving birth can be an unexpected low time. An a...

Is it normal to be constipated during pregnancy? Unfortunately, yes. Throughout your pregnancy, hormonal changes can result in sluggish digestion. Then as your uterus grows, it compounds the problem by putting more pressure on your intestines and rectum. To understand the problem, it helps to know how your digestive system works. As food moves through the colon, muscle contractions push it along...

With all the changes brought on by pregnancy, you may not be thinking about routine things like getting your teeth cleaned. But new research suggests that it is more important than ever to keep that date with your dental hygienist -- gum disease, perhaps surprisingly, may affect your pregnancy. To keep your gums in good shape during pregnancy, have your teeth cleaned professionally every six mont...

A report from the government has made it official: Babies are expensive. According to data compiled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in the 1990s and updated to today's dollars using the Consumer Price Index, the typical middle-income couple will spend at least $883 a month on their baby for the first 24 months -- and the costs only climb after that. Consider that in metropolitan area...

There is no bigger turning point in life than finding out you're pregnant. In a matter of months you'll be a mother, and then -- as everyone keeps telling you more often than you want to hear it -- nothing will ever be the same. This is the perfect time to get in the habit of keeping a daily journal. Not only will it help you remember the ups and downs of this extraordinary period, it can be a wo...

Should I be worried about eating fish while I'm pregnant? Since fish is low in saturated fat and high in heart-friendly omega-3 fatty acids, eating it during pregnancy is very important. But seafood is the only significant source of mercury in our food, and some fish have levels of mercury so high that it may be harmful to a developing baby. No more than two helpings a week of low-mercury fish ar...

In the eyes of a 2-year-old, a new baby in the house can look like the worst type of party crasher -- the kind who demands everyone's attention while hogging all the goodies. Why would mom and dad ever invite such a person? And when will they tell her to leave? A few kids are eager to become brothers and sisters, but many go into the role kicking and screaming -- literally. Newly minted siblings ...

Air travel is an integral part of modern life. Whether for business, pleasure, or simple convenience, more than 2 million people fly through U.S. air space every day. If you're pregnant, however, there are a few things to consider before you step onto that plane. Knowing when it's okay to fly and how to avoid potential health risks can help you have a safe, enjoyable flight. To fly or not to fly?...

Once your physician has given you the go-ahead to exercise, two questions remain: what to do, and when. Like walking or swimming, yoga has the makings of an ideal workout. "When you take yoga down to its most basic elements, it combines building strength with improving flexibility, and it helps you learn to breathe and meditate," says Mary Barnes, founder of Yoga for Two Prenatal Mommy and Baby, a...

What are prenatal supplements? Prenatal supplements are vitamins designed especially for pregnant women. Most of them contain more folic acid and iron than you'll find in a standard adult multivitamin. Pregnant women need more of these nutrients than usual -- specifically, they need 200 micrograms (mcg) a day more of folic acid and close to 50 percent more iron daily to make more blood to nouri...

Every year in America, more than 500,000 babies are born too early. They enter the world weeks or even months ahead of schedule, and they're more likely to suffer illness and disability. Premature babies are usually underweight -- some weigh three pounds or less -- and underdeveloped. Their lungs may not be developed enough to work on their own, and their immune systems may not be ready to fend o...

No matter how careful, healthy, or lucky a newly pregnant woman may be, there's no guarantee that she will actually have a baby. According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, up to half of all pregnancies fail, usually before a woman realizes shes pregnant. In many ways, women who never know about the lost pregnancy are the lucky ones. After a woman gets a positive result on a pregnancy tes...

When you're pregnant, you could easily spend nine months worrying about everything that can go wrong. But there's another option: Instead of simply worrying, you can take these five crucial steps to protect your pregnancy. By following these steps, you can dramatically reduce the risk of miscarriage, premature delivery, birth defects, and other complications. As a bonus, you'll be giving yourself ...

My doctor wants me to have a procedure called percutaneous umbilical blood sampling. What is it? Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS) is a diagnostic procedure that examines the blood of the fetus for abnormalities. The test also goes by the names cordocentesis, fetal blood sampling, umbilical vein sampling, and percutaneous umbilical vein sampling (PUVS). Doctors must be specially trained...

Your doctor is an important ally in a healthy pregnancy. As soon as you know you're pregnant, make an appointment with your healthcare provider to begin your prenatal care. Regular visits with your doctor will help you have a trouble-free pregnancy and a healthy baby. Take a list of questions with you to get the most out of your doctor's appointment. If possible, take a partner or friend along, t...

Your body goes through many changes while you're pregnant, some of them less welcome than others. For unknown reasons, a woman's blood pressure can climb during the second half of her pregnancy. If your systolic pressure (the upper number) is at or gets higher than 140 or your diastolic pressure (the lower number) is at or gets higher than 90, you have high blood pressure. If so, you may develop...

What is Rh factor? If you've ever had your blood type tested, you know whether you're A, B, O, or AB. You also probably know whether you're Rh positive or negative. The difference between B positive and B negative is a single protein called Rhesus (Rh) factor. If you have the protein sitting on the surface of your red blood cells, you're positive. If you don't, you're negative. What is Rh incomp...

If you saw Erinn and Rowan Cuddy a year after they were born, you would never guess they had had a rough start in life. The twins, who live in Redwood City, California, were hardy, healthy, and rambunctious. They were starting to talk, and they obviously had big plans for the future. When they were born, things didn't seem nearly as secure: Erinn and Rowan were born at just 33 weeks gestation (abo...

Don't let pregnancy put a damper on an intimate life with your partner. Many parents-to-be fear that intercourse could trigger a miscarriage or somehow harm the baby. But unless you have a high-risk pregnancy, you don't have to worry: Sex poses no danger to either the mother or the child. To answer some questions you may be too embarrassed to ask, no, your partner's penis does not have any contact...

In an earnest, but possibly misguided attempt to enable men and teens to see what it feels like to be pregnant, somebody decided to invent something called "The Empathy Belly." Men strap on this prosthetic torso -- complete with a bulging tummy and swollen breasts -- so they can "experience" pregnancy. At roughly 30 pounds, the $800+ belly can also simulate a baby's kicking, restrict breathing, a...

Pregnancy is an exciting and challenging time, both physically and mentally. So it makes sense that sensations like body aches, leg cramps, and nausea, as well as emotions like exhilaration, anxiety, and depression can get in the way of a good night's sleep. Almost every pregnant woman has trouble sleeping at some point during her pregnancy, so if you're having trouble getting some shut-eye, you'r...

Your second trimester may be a welcome reprieve from the sleep disturbances during early pregnancy: Bathroom wake-up calls, sleep-sapping nausea, and an overwhelming desire for daytime naps can all wreak havoc on night-time slumber. It's also a chance to get those ZZZs you desperately need before third trimester bulk and other discomforts lead to sleep-deprived nights. Read on for more tips on get...

Waking up at night? Having trouble falling asleep? Join the club. Most pregnant women have sleep problems in their third trimesters, waking three to five times a night on average. But don't despair -- there are strategies that can help you have a restful night. Read on for more tips on getting a good night's sleep during pregnancy. Sweet dreams! Desperately seeking a comfy sleeping position Feelin...

New parents are easy to spot: The bloodshot eyes and dazed expressions are an instant tip-off. Although the birth of a child is a joyous event, many parents are taken aback by how exhausted they feel during those first weeks and months. Newborns usually require constant attention -- they need to eat every hour or two and have their diapers changed just about as often. As a new parent, you may fee...

Why are my breasts so sore? When you become pregnant, your body produces higher levels of estrogen and progesterone, the workhorses that help make your pregnancy possible. These hormones prepare your breasts for nursing -- and they can also make them sore and sensitive, just as they are around your period. Some women find their breasts are so sensitive in the early days of pregnancy that they c...

Now that you're pregnant, a healthy diet is doubly important. Whether you're sitting down for a meal or grabbing a snack from a vending machine, you have to think about how your choices will affect your baby. If you develop gestational diabetes, you'll have still more choices to make. Your doctor may advise you, for example, to use an artificial sweetener that won't increase the sugar levels in y...

Whether you've been faithful to your exercise routine during pregnancy or are looking for a safe and comfortable way to stay fit, now is the perfect time to work out in the water. You don't have to know how to swim, and you don't even have to get your hair wet to reap the benefits of water exercise. Low-impact activities like swimming don't involve a lot of bouncing, stretching, or bending your j...

Perhaps you've noticed that your belly isn't the only thing getting bigger right now. Your feet also are particularly vulnerable to swelling during pregnancy. While pregnant, you have more blood and other fluids circulating in your body -- as much as six to eight extra quarts. And because of gravity, some of that fluid settles in your feet, says Jane Andersen, a podiatrist in Chapel Hill, North Ca...

Few teenagers have the experience or resources it takes to start a family. But that doesn't keep them from doing so. According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, each year more than 750,000 teenage girls become pregnant. The rate of pregnancy among American teenagers dropped steadily in recent years, but it is higher than almost all other industrialized nations. Whi...

You're pregnant! You probably feel like shouting it to the world, and nobody can blame you. But when it comes to telling your boss, experts advise that you strategize a bit before sharing the good news. A little preparation and forethought, they say, can guarantee that both your announcement and your maternity leave go smoothly. "The thing that working pregnant women worry most about, after the h...

There couldn't be much bigger news than the discovery that you're carrying twins. It's natural to feel surprised -- and overwhelmed. But don't worry. A twin pregnancy isn't all that different from any other pregnancy, just a little more intense. Here are a few things you can do to grow two healthy babies and keep yourself in good shape as well. Eat even more Here's the good news; carrying twins ...

Looking at most newborn twins squirm contentedly in their cribs, you'd never guess that some were recently in peril. That's because carrying multiples raises the risks that a woman can suffer complications before she actually delivers. Many twins are miscarried early in the pregnancy, often before a woman even knows she's pregnant. As reported in the International Journal of Fertility, only about ...

What is an ultrasound? An ultrasound gives your doctor -- and you -- a high-tech peek at your developing baby. During the procedure, high-frequency sound waves are directed at your baby. When the sound waves encounter your baby's organs or tissues (or even his bloodstream, in one type of ultrasound), they bounce off, creating echoes that are converted into images. The images are displayed on a com...

Is it normal to urinate more often now that I'm pregnant? When a pregnant woman asks to use the bathroom, people tend to smile sympathetically: They know pregnant women are more likely to need to excuse themselves, whether it's at a work meeting or a two-hour movie. There's no reason to be embarrassed by the frequent call of nature. It's a sign that your body is working normally. Why do I have...

Now that you're pregnant, naturally you're paying closer attention to your body and taking better care of yourself. You're probably also marveling at your body's transformation. It's also wise to be aware of any signs of trouble. When the unexpected occurs, you may need prompt treatment to protect your baby. What are the warning signs? Here's a look at some potential warnings signs during pregna...

Urine tests provide your doctor or midwife with important information about diseases or conditions that could potentially affect you or your growing baby. That's why at each prenatal visit, you'll be asked to give a urine sample as part of your regular exam. This sample is used to help determine if you have diabetes, kidney disease, or a bladder infection by measuring the levels of sugar, protei...