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3 Results for search "Hair And Scalp Problems: Misc.".

Wellness Library Results

Why am I losing my hair? Anybody with hair on their head will lose a bit every day. A woman with healthy hair could easily lose 150 hairs a day. Normally, other hairs grow back to take their place. But if you're noticing that your hair is getting thinner, you're losing hair faster than you're replacing it. Just like men, many women have inherited a tendency toward thinning hair as they grow older...

Why am I losing my hair? If your hair is gradually deserting your temples or crown while standing fast at the back and sides of your head, you're probably experiencing male-pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia). Normally, individual hairs grow for two to four years, "rest" for about three months, and then fall out to make room for new hairs to grow in. But in some men, the hair follicles near...

Should I shampoo my hair daily? Probably not. Most people over-shampoo their hair, which only washes away the natural oils that help give it shine. Shampooing every other day is a good schedule for most people. If your hair looks oily when you wake up, go ahead and clean it. Despite directions on labels to rinse and repeat, you only need to wash once. Do I need a conditioner? If you have normal ...