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Resultados de noticias de salud - 57

When your preschooler pitches a fit, handing them a smartphone or tablet is probably the fastest -- and the worst -- way to stop it, a new study suggests.

"If parents regularly offer a digital device to their child to calm them or to stop a tantrum, the child won't learn to regulate their emotions," said first author Veronika Konok...

People largely date and marry people in their own “league,” as far as beauty is concerned, a new review finds.

Men and women are fairly accurate at rating their own physical attractiveness, and they tend to choose mates who have similar views of their own beauty, researchers report.

For example, fellows who rated themselves as attractive tended to date ladies with similar self-r...

Materialism could be fueling America's epidemic of loneliness and isolation, a new study claims.

People who spend their money on experiences tend to have stronger feelings of social connection with others than those who purchase belongings, a series of psychological experiments has revealed.

For example, people tend to feel more connection and kinship with people who have shared an ...

Feeling angry constricts blood vessels in unhealthy ways and could raise a person's long-term odds for heart disease, new research warns.

“If you're a person who gets angry all the time, you're having chronic injuries to your blood vessels,” said study leader Dr. Daichi Shimbo, a cardiologist at Columbia Univers...

At what age does loneliness strike adults the hardest?

A new review maps it out, finding that people are more lonely as young adults, grow less lonely as they approach middle age, and then fall back into loneliness in old age, researchers reported April 30 in the journal Psychological Science.

“What was striking was how consistent the uptick in loneliness is in older adul...

The emotional turmoil caused by a stolen dog is akin to that of a parent losing a child, a new study finds.

The findings support the idea that pets truly become family members to their owners, researchers said. When faced with the theft of a pet, ow...

Anne Helms is one busy mom, constantly juggling the demands of working from home with parenting two young children.

Despite that whirl of activity, Helms says she often feels isolated and lonely.

“I work from home full time and I actually have a job where I'm on camera a lot and I'm Zoom calling people very often,” Helms, who lives in Columbus, Ohio, said in a news release.


For the first time, the United States has fallen out of the top 20 spots on the annual world's happiest nations list.

Americans are now No. 23, far behind the top five countries -- Finland (No. 1), Denmark, Iceland, Sweden and Israel. 


Grumbling and grousing to others isn't an effective way of reducing rage, a new review shows.

Folks who vent about a source of anger might feel better in the moment, but that won't diminish their ire, researchers found.

Instead, stress-reducing techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness, meditation and

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 19, 2024
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  • Middle-aged Americans are lonelier than ever, with new research showing they are even more isolated than some of their peers in Europe.

    That does not bode well for their health.

    "Loneliness is gaining attention globally as a public health issue because elevated loneliness increases one's risk for depression, compromised immunity, chronic illness and [premature death]," said study au...

    After a car crash, women are more likely to go into shock than men, even when their injuries are less severe, new research shows.

    "Women are arriving to the trauma bay with signs of shock more often than men, regardless of injury severity," said study leader Susan Cronn, a researcher at the Medical College of W...

    Alzheimer's patients are notoriously irritable, agitated and anxious -- and researchers now think they know why.

    Brain inflammation appears to influence the mood problems of Alzheimer's patients, rather than traditional markers of the disease like amyloid beta or tau proteins, researchers report in the Nov. 27 issue of the journal

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • November 29, 2023
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  • Good news is fun to share, but you get more of a charge from it if you keep it under your hat for a while, a new study says.

    Keeping good news a secret for a bit before telling someone else appears to make people feel more energized and alive, according to findings published Nov. 13 in the Journal of Personality ...

    It can be hard for new college students, or those returning after summer break, to be away from home.

    Homesickness is a normal reaction. About 30% of all students and 70% of first-year students experience it. Though it can happen at any time, it's most common in the first few months away.

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 2, 2023
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  • It might seem like sunshine, vacation and time spent with family and friends will bring you happiness this summer.

    But sometimes it takes a little more effort, said Lina Begdache, an associate professor of health and wellness studies at Binghamton University, State University of N...

    Cutting back social media to a spare 30 minutes per day could be the key to reducing anxiety, depression, loneliness and feelings of fear of missing out, researchers say.

    That was true for college students in a new study who self-limited social media -- often successfully and sometimes squeezing in just a bit more time -- for two weeks.

    “I think on the one hand, the results are ki...

    There is an epidemic of loneliness and isolation today, and the consequences can be deadly, researchers say.

    Folks who reported that they were socially isolated or felt lonely were more likely to die early from all causes including cancer, according to a sweeping review of 90 studies that included more than 2.2 million people from around the globe.

    Exactly how loneliness or social i...

    More than 10 million people in the United States are living with bipolar disorder, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

    It's characterized by severe, dramatic shifts in mood that can catch people off guard. The name ca...

    Those TV ads for juicy burgers may trigger your emotions, making you believe you'll be happier if you run out and get one for yourself.

    Unfortunately, a similar ad for salad does not appear to have the same emotional impact, according to new research from the University of Michigan.

    "Many people think that eating highly processed foods like cheeseburgers and french fries will make t...

    The death of a parent is heartbreaking for a child or teenager, and those who experience it are known to be at an increased risk for depression and other mental health issues later in life.

    But a new study finds that children who participated in a bereavement program with their families following the loss of a parent were significantly less likely to experience depression up to 15 years l...

    Anxiety attacks can seem overwhelming when you're in the middle of one, but with the right coping tools you can come out the other side.

    What is an anxiety attack?

    According to the Detroit Medical Center, an anxiety attack is a stretch of time during which you experien...

    It might seem like a move to rural living could bring calm and even happiness, but new research suggests that isn't always so.

    A study from the University of Houston found that those living in the country were not more satisfied with their lives than people who lived in urban areas. Rural U.S. residents didn't feel like their lives were more meaningful, and they also tended to be more an...

    When expectant or new moms experience depression, known as perinatal depression, loneliness may be a driving factor.

    “We found that loneliness was central to the experiences of expectant and new mothers with depression. We know that depression and loneliness are often interconnected — each one can lead to the other — and this may be particularly true for perinatal depression [which ...

    Primary care doctors are no longer just in the physical health business: Americans are increasingly turning to them for mental health care, too, a new study finds.

    Looking at Americans' primary care visits between 2006 and 2018, researchers found a 50% increase in the proportion of visits that addressed mental health concerns. That figure rose from just under 11% of visits, to 16% by the ...

    When Elizabeth R.'s husband passed away from bone cancer in 2016, she felt grateful that her employer offered generous bereavement leave.

    Now 40, she worked in the development department of a large nonprofit cancer group at the time and felt ready to go back when her leave was up. However, about two weeks into her return, she realized it was too much, too soon.

    “Every time I would...

    Living in tight-knit communities where neighbors are connected to one another helped improve health outcomes for older Chinese Americans, a new study found.

    Rutgers University researchers used data from a study of more than 3,100 elderly Chinese people in the Chicago area to investigate whether the perception of trust and connection among neighbors had an impact on their risk of death.

    For people with heart disease, new research suggests loneliness, social isolation and living alone can shave years off your life.

    This trio puts people with established cardiovascular disease at greater risk of premature death, according to the international study. Cardiovascular disease refers to heart disease and stroke.

    "Social health factors such as loneliness and social isolat...

    Swedish researchers studying anger say it appears there is a pent-up need for anger management and that an internet-based treatment can work.

    Scientists from the Centre for Psychiatry Research at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, had to close its recruitment site after a few weeks because there was so much demand for help with anger issues.

    "It is usually very difficul...

    Menopause and the years before it may make you feel like you're losing your mind.

    Some of those feelings are changes that occur naturally in this stage of life, but other factors contribute, too, according to the North American Menopause Society (NAMS), which offered tips to achieve some peace.

    Changes in hormones are...

    This season of celebrating also comes with lots of stress for many people.

    But despite the long to-do list and mandatory get-togethers, it is possible to maintain a healthy mind, according to experts at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J.

    “Stress is an inevitable part of life and so the first thing people can do is focus on their wellness, which is really about accepting t...

    Taking care of a loved one can either be a break from loneliness or help to bring loneliness on, depending on your circumstances, new research shows.

    Researchers broadly studied the issue, using data from 28 studies with more than 190,000 participants in 21 countries. They found certain types of caregiving — such as volunteering and caring for grandchildren — offered protection agains...

    That intense feeling of fear as you watch Jason Voorhees chase his next victim while wearing a hockey mask in "Friday the 13th" might actually be good for you. It also might not be.

    Researchers report that horror's impact is really in the eye of the beholder, a little different for everyone but not all bad.


    If you're feeling a little low, smile anyway. That alone could shift your mood.

    This idea is known as the facial feedback hypothesis, and researchers set out to either prove or disprove the theory in a new global study, finding strong evidence that posed smiles ...

    If you have dogs, you probably already know that petting them can give you a lift.

    Researchers set out to prove that using technology to show what happens in the brain when stroking or sitting next to a dog. They also compared that to petting a stuffed animal.

    They found that when study participants viewed, felt and touched real dogs it led to increasingly high levels of activity ...

    Internet hotheads are often literally that, with hateful tweets rising in number as temperatures soar, a new study reports.

    Temperatures higher than 86 degrees Fahrenheit are consistently linked to heavy increases in online hate messages, according to a review of more than 4 billion English-language tweets.

    The researchers identified a “feel-good window” between 54 and 70 degree...

    Cancer isn't just a physical struggle but also an emotional one, as patients, survivors and their loved ones experience grief and loss throughout the experience.

    Gabrielle Alvarez, a social worker at Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, offered some tips to help patients and caregivers manage their feelings.


    Social isolation and loneliness put people at a 30% higher risk of heart attack, stroke or death from either, a new scientific statement from the American Heart Association (AHA) warns.

    The statement also highlights the lack of data on interventions that could improve heart health in isolated or lonely people. It was published Aug. 4 in the

  • By Sydney Murphy HealthDay Reporter
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  • August 5, 2022
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  • Starting Saturday, if you or someone you know is contemplating suicide or having a mental health crisis, you can dial just three numbers -- 988 -- to get help.

    Callers will be connected to a trained counselor at a local call center and ultimately routed to potentially lifesaving support services. The three-digit co...

    The concept of "hangry" helps sell candy bars, and it's a convenient excuse to snap at someone when you're in a foul mood.

    But is hangry -- being angry when you're hungry -- a real thing? Do people really become more irritable when they want food?

    "My wife sometimes used to tell me, 'you're being hangry.' And I kind of always thought that's not a real thing -- it's not a real psycho...

    Despite the crushing challenges of navigating a worldwide pandemic during the past two years, Americans remain as optimistic as ever, a series of surveys shows.

    The surveys were conducted between 2008 and 2020, and included 2.7 million adults who were asked to use a 10-point scale to rank their current life satisfaction, with 10...

    Preschoolers who spend a lot of time watching movies and shows on TVs and other screens are more likely to develop emotional and behavioral problems by age 5, a Finnish study warns.

    But despite their reputation, video games did not appear to promote any emotional problems in youngsters, researchers concluded.

    "We found that high levels of screen time at the age of 1.5 years is relat...

    When the coronavirus pandemic started, many people began baking banana bread and sourdough loaves at home. Stress eating is nothing new, and 2020 was a year filled with angst for a lot of people.

    But researchers at the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, wondered, "Are college-aged people overeating, too?" According to their new study, the answer is "yes."


    Botox injections used to fight wrinkles and prevent migraines may also help relieve depression, a new study suggests.

    Patients who received Botox injections for any of six conditions reported suffering depression 40% to 88% less often when compared to patients who received different treatments for the same conditions.

    "This finding is exciting because it supports a...

    Looking for a way to improve your memory, gain control over your emotions, and boost your ability to multitask?

    A new brain scan study may be just the incentive you need to put yoga at the top of your New Years' to-do list.

    The review of 11 published studies found a link between yoga's movements, meditation and breathing practices and an increase in the size of key brain are...

    Parents want the best for their children. Eat well. Get enough sleep. Exercise. But sometimes pressuring your teen to diet or lose weight may end up harming them, a new study suggests.

    It found that parents who urge their kids to diet might actually be boosting their odds for obesity later in life. It's also tied to an increased risk for eating disorders.

    The phenomenon can ...

    Feel bad about feeling bad? Don't.

    Studies done at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that acknowledging a blue mood -- and not berating yourself for it -- can help you work through it more easily.

    It turns out that accepting negative emotions is better for your long-term mental health than constantly passing judgment on yourself, which can cause your feeling...

    If a mother is depressed, her young children might be at risk for hyperactivity, aggressiveness and anxiety, a new study suggests.

    Interestingly, a father's depression only affected kids if mom was also depressed, the researchers found.

    "Depression among parents both during and after pregnancy not only affects the person suffering from depression but also has a long-term imp...

    U.S. politics has been incredibly divisive in recent years, and will likely only grow worse as President Donald Trump faces possible impeachment over the Ukrainian scandal.

    So it's no wonder the stress of ugly national politics has started to affect the emotional and physical health of some citizens, as a new study suggests.

    Nearly two out of every five Americans say politic...

    "Broken heart syndrome" may harm more than just the heart, new research suggests.

    While the extreme stress of losing a loved one has been linked to heart troubles in prior research, a new study found that one in six people with broken heart syndrome also had cancer. Even worse, they were less likely to survive their cancer five years after diagnosis.

    "There seems to be a st...

    Remember the "mood ring" craze of the 1970s?

    A high-tech wristband is being developed along the same lines, potentially helping patients who struggle with mood disorders.

    The smart wristband would use a person's skin to track their emotional intensity. During a mood swing, either high or low, the wristband would change color, heat up, squeeze or vibrate to inform the wearer ...