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Resultados de su búsqueda "Heart / Stroke-Related: Stroke".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 523

Despite Falling Out of Favor With Doctors, Daily Aspirin Still Popular

For decades, millions of Americans popped a low-dose aspirin each day to lower their heart risks.

Then, accumulated data prompted the nation's two leading cardiology groups -- the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association -- to overturn advisories in 2019 and...

Loneliness Can Raise Older People's Odds for Stroke

A lonely middle and old age could bring higher odds for a stroke, new data suggests.

A 12-year study of people over 50 found that those who experienced chronic loneliness were 56% more likely to have a stroke, versus those who said they weren't lonely.

“Loneliness is increasingly considered a major public health issue. Our findings further highlight why that is,” said study lead...

Modifying Homes for Stroke Survivors Helps Them Stay Independent

Everyday tasks like taking a shower or navigating stairs can be risky business for folks in the aftermath of a stroke.

But grab bars, shower seats, ramps and other safety interventions allow many to live independently and reduce the risk of premature death, new research confirms. 

One in eight stroke survivors die within a year of leaving the hospital.

"The transition per...

Smartphone Face-Screening Tool Could Help Paramedics Spot Stroke

A new smartphone tool could help paramedics identify a stroke in seconds by scanning the patient’s face.

The AI-driven tool analyzes facial symmetry and specific muscle movements to detect subtle signs of stroke, researchers explained.

“One of the key param...

Your Head Aches: What Could It Mean, and What Can Be Done About It?

When there's pain, pressure and pounding in your head, you might think the worst: Is it a brain tumor?

Probably not, a Penn State physician assures. 

Headache in and of itself is not a common sign of a tumor, because the brain itself doesn't feel pain, said Dr. John Messmer, medical director at Penn State H...

Artificial Sweetener Xylitol Linked to Heart Attack, Stroke

Higher amounts of the artificial sweetener xylitol might raise the risk of heart attack and stroke, a new study warns.

Xylitol is a zero-calorie sugar alcohol commonly used in sugar-free candy, chewing gum, baked goods and toothpastes, researchers said.

But high blood ...

Statins, Metformin Can Cut Odds for Brain Aneurysms

Common drugs used to control cholesterol, blood sugar and high blood pressure might also lower a person's risk of stroke, a new study finds.

The researchers evaluated the risk of brain aneurysms that cause bleeding strokes in patients.

For the study, they looke...

Few Heart Attack Survivors Get Expert Advice on Diet

Less than one-quarter of people who survive serious heart conditions receive the dietary counseling needed to protect their future health, a new study finds.

Only about 23% of people treated for major illnesses like heart attack and heart failure receive counseling on their ...

Stroke Rates Are Rising, Especially Among the Young

The rate at which Americans under the age of 65 suffered a stroke rose by about 15% between 2011 and 2022, new government data shows.

That was true even among the young: The rate of stroke jumped 14.6% among people ages 18 to 44 during the study period, researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found.

It's not clear why stroke rates have risen so sharply, ...

Ultra-Processed Foods Could Be Harming Your Brain

Ultra-processed foods are bad for more than your waistline: New research shows they seem to raise the risk of stroke and dementia-related memory or thinking problems.

A 10% increase in the amount of ultra-processed foods a person eats is associated with a 16% higher risk of cognitive problems, researchers f...

New Blood Test Could Spot  Dangerous Type of Stroke

MONDAY, May 20, 2024 -- When a stroke hits, "time is brain," doctors say, with neurons beginning to die off in minutes.

Quickly figuring out which type of stroke a patient has been hit with is crucial. Now, an experimental blood test might speed that process along.<...

Stroke, Migraine, Alzheimer's: Climate Change Will Likely Make Them Worse

Climate change is likely to make brain conditions like stroke, migraine, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis even worse, a new review warns.

The potential effects of a changing climate is likely to be substantial on a range of neurological conditions, researche...

A-Fib More Common in Middle-Aged Folk Than Thought

The dangerous heart rhythm disorder called atrial fibrillation is becoming more common in middle-aged people, a new study warns.

More than a quarter of patients at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) seeking care for A-Fib during the last decade...

A-Fib Is Strong Precursor to Heart Failure

The dangerous heart rhythm disorder known as atrial fibrillation is mainly known for increasing people's risk of stroke.

But people with A-Fib actually have a much higher risk of developing heart failure than suffering a stroke, a new study shows.

In fac...

Managing Blood Sugar After Stroke Could Be Key to Outcomes

Managing a stroke victim's blood sugar levels after they receive powerful clot-busting drugs might help them survive their health crisis, a new trial finds.

People with high blood sugar levels were more likely to suffer a potentially deadly brain bleed after clot-busters reopened their blocked brain arteries, researchers found.

The risk was particularly high in older patients with m...

Dozens of COVID Virus Mutations Arose in Man With Longest Known Case

An immune-compromised man with a year-and-a-half-long COVID infection served as a breeding ground for dozens of coronavirus mutations, a new study discovered.

Worse, several of the mutations were in the COVID spike protein, indicating that the virus had attempted to evolve around current vaccines, researchers report.

“This case underscores the risk of persistent SARS-CoV-2 infecti...

Climate Change May Be Fueling a Rise in Stroke Deaths

Intense weather fluctuations caused by climate change could be contributing to an increase in stroke deaths, a new study claims.

Freezing cold fronts and broiling heat waves are associated with more than half a million deaths annually in recent years, researchers report April 10 in the ...

Even a Little Secondhand Smoke Ups Odds for A-Fib

Just a little exposure to secondhand smoke may increase your risk for the heart rhythm disorder atrial fibrillation (A-Fib), a new, large study suggests.

People who have A-Fib, the world's most common heart rhythm disorder, are five times more likely to have a stroke than their healthy peers. 

While passive smoking has been linked to heart disease and early death, links between...

Have Only Well-Off Americans Gained From Recent Strides Against Heart Disease?

America is making headway against heart disease, with heart-related deaths declining over the past three decades.

But it appears that only the well-to-do have benefitted, a new study shows.

Heart attack rates have stayed the same or gotten worse among ...

Living in Poor Neighborhoods Nearly Doubles Risk of Heart Attacks, Stroke

Living in a poor and unhealthy neighborhood could nearly double a person's risk of heart disease and stroke, a new study says.

The findings indicate that all the factors that make for a crummy neighborhood -- air and water pollution, toxic sites, few parks, tons of traffic -- play a ...

Young Adults With Migraine May Face Higher Stroke Risk

Migraines in young adults appear to increase their risk of stroke more than traditional risk factors like high blood pressure, a new study reports.

Results show that migraine is the most important non-traditional risk factor for stroke among adults ages 18 to 34, accounting for 20% of strokes in men and nearly 35% in women.

Overall, non-traditional risk factors were associated with ...

Could Bright Outdoor Lights at Night Raise Stroke Risk?

The bright lights of the big city might seem exciting, but they could also raise a person's risk of stroke, a new study suggests.

Bright artificial lights that illuminate the night seem to affect blood flow to the brain in ways that make stroke more likely, researchers report.

People with the highest levels of exposure to outdoor light at night have a 43% increased risk of diseases ...

6 in 10 Stroke Survivors Will Struggle With Depression Years Later

Six out of every 10 stroke survivors wind up struggling with depression later in their lives, a new study says.

That compares to the 22% depression rate of the general population, results show.

Further, 9 of 10 stroke-related depression cases occur within five years of surviving a stroke, r...

Medicare to Cover Wegovy When Patients Also Have Heart Disease

Medicare will now cover the popular weight-loss drug Wegovy if patients using it also have heart disease, U.S. officials announced Thursday.

The move comes after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved drugmaker Novo Nordisk's application to add

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 22, 2024
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  • Could Intermittent Fasting Diets Raise Heart Risks?

    Intermittent fasting might be bad for your heart, a new study warns.

    People who restricted their eating to an 8-hour window had nearly twice the risk of heart-related death compared to folks who ate freely, results show.

    This runs counter to previous research in which intermittent fasting impr...

    Many Older Americans Pop Daily Aspirin, Even Though It's No Longer Recommended: Poll

    Lots of seniors are regularly taking low-dose aspirin in hopes of preventing heart attacks and strokes, even though updated guidelines often advise against it.

    About one in four older adults take aspirin at least three times a week, according to results from the University of Michigan's

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 8, 2024
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  • Even a Little Daily Exercise Cuts Your Stroke Risk

    Even a little physical activity can cut a person's stroke risk compared to being a complete couch potato, a new review shows.

    Folks whose physical activity levels fell short of recommended guidelines still had a lower risk of stroke than those who got no exercise, researchers report.

    Compared with no exercise, the highest “ideal” amount of physical activity cut stroke risk by 29...

    Even Couch Potatoes Reap Health Reward From 10,000 Steps Per Day

    The more steps a person can fit into their day, the lower their risk of early death and heart disease, regardless of how much a couch potato they are otherwise, a new study shows.

    People who are sedentary for more than 11 hours a day gain the same health benefits from walking more as more active folks do, researchers found.

    The optimal number of daily steps to improve health was bet...

    Robotic Hip 'Exoskeleton' Helps With Stroke Rehab

    A new robotic hip exoskeleton could help stroke patients improve their walking stride, a new study shows.

    More than 80% of stroke survivors develop problems walking, often because their step is shorter on one side than the other, researchers explained in background notes.

    The hip exoskeleton helps people adapt their stride by forcing both legs to take similar strides, researchers re...

    Daily Marijuana Use Greatly Raises Odds for Heart Attack, Stroke

    Folks who use marijuana have a greater risk of heart attack and stroke, with the odds rising even higher when they partake every day, a new study finds.

    Both daily and non-daily marijuana users had an increased risk of heart attack and stroke compared to non-users, researchers reported Feb. 28 in the Journal of the American Heart As...

    Around the World, Indigenous People Face Higher Stroke Risk

    Indigenous people in seven countries, including the United States and Canada, appear to be more likely to suffer a stroke than non-natives, a new, large review finds.

    "Disparities are especially evident in countries where high average quality of life and long life expectancies are often not mirrored in Indigneous populations," said study author

  • Carole Tanzer Miller HealthDay Reporter
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  • February 15, 2024
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  • Acupuncture May Lower Stroke Risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

    Acupuncture may protect people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) from stroke, new research suggests.

    The study indicates that a course of acupuncture treatment may lower blood levels of inflammatory proteins called cytokines that are linked to heart disease, the No. 1 cause of death in people with RA.

    "Inflammation is a consistent and independent predictor of cardiovascular disease in...

    Combo of Hot Flashes, Migraine Sends Heart Risks Sky High

    As if painful migraines, hot flashes and night sweats weren't bad enough, many women in menopause are facing a significantly bigger threat.

    New research suggests that women with both migraines and vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes and night sweats) are significantly more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke.

    "There is a critical need to further refine existing cardiovascul...

    Head Position May Be Key to Better Clot Removal After Stroke

    The position in bed of stroke victims' heads could influence how well they'll fare in upcoming surgery to remove a blood clot from their brain, a new study finds.

    Hospital beds for stroke patients are typically set up to keep the head elevated, researchers said.

    But a flat head position prior to blood clot removal might lead to better outcomes, the results showed.

    Patients dis...

    Adding Blood Thinners to Clot-Busting Meds Won't Improve Stroke Outcomes: Study

    Adding blood thinners to clot-busting drugs does not improve outcomes for stroke patients, a new study claims.

    Doctors had hoped that combining the two types of medications would improve treatment of stroke, as a similar combination has shown promise in treating heart attacks, the researchers said.

    But they halted a clinical trial looking into the combo for stroke treatment after fi...

    Neighborhood Gyms Can Be a Lifeline for Stroke Survivors

    Exercise is crucial to recovering from a stroke, helping victims regain lost physical and mental function.

    And stroke survivors are more likely to remain physically active -- or even exercise more than before -- if they have access to a neighborhood rec center or gym, a new study finds.

    The odds of a patient being more active in recovery than before their stroke was 57% higher among...

    Stroke Recovery Could Depend on Where You Live

    For stroke survivors, the relative affluence of their neighborhood could be a factor in how well and how soon they recover, new research shows.

    Compared to Americans living in better-off locales, those living in areas plagued by high unemployment, lower levels of education, poor housing and low income had higher ...

    Nerve Zaps Plus Intense Rehab Can Help Stroke Survivors Use Hands, Arms Again

    Losing the use of an arm after a stroke can be devastating, but new research could offer survivors fresh hope.

    The study found that a combination of targeted brain stimulation therapy, along with intense physical rehabilitation, can restore control of an affected arm or hand.

    “This is the first time that brain stimulation combined with rehabilitation therapy for stroke is availabl...

    Odds for Dementia Nearly Triple in the Year After a Stroke

    A person's odds for a dementia diagnosis nearly triple in the first year after a stroke, new research shows.

    This post-stroke spike in dementia risk does subside with time, but it never returns to pre-stroke levels, the same report found.

    "Our findings reinforce the importance of monitoring people with stroke for cognitive decline," said lead researcher 

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • February 1, 2024
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  • 'Hidden Killer' Radon Could Raise Your Stroke Risk

    Radon, an invisible, naturally occurring radioactive gas, appears to raise a person's risk of stroke, a new study suggests.

    Already known as the second leading cause of lung cancer, these new findings suggest exposure to radon can increase risk of stroke by as much as 14%, according to a report published Jan. 31 in the journal Neurology.

    “Our research found an increased r...

    High Blood Pressure in Young Black Women Sends Stroke Risks Soaring

    Black American women have much higher rates of high blood pressure than white women, and it's especially deadly if hypertension sets in before the age of 35, new research shows.

    Black women diagnosed with high blood pressure before the age of 35 had triple the odds of suffering a stroke, compared to Black women without hypertension, the study found.

    “This research was motivated by...

    Heart Disease Still America's Top Killer, Although the Death Rate Has Declined

    Heart disease remains the United States' top cause of death, but progress is being made and more lives are being saved, a new report finds.

    There were 931,578 heart-related deaths in 2021, an increase of less than 3,000 from the year before, the report from the American Heart Association (AHA) showed.

    But overall, death rates from heart disease have declined 60% since the 1950s, AHA...

    Stroke Hits Black Americans at Younger Ages Than Whites

    Black Americans have strokes nearly a decade younger on average than white people, a new study has found.

    The study also revealed that Black people consistently had a higher rate of stroke than white folks over a 22-year period, according to findings published in the journal Neurology.

    Overall, strokes have declined, regardless of race.

    “We found that the rate of st...

    Ease Up on Drinking to Cut Your Risk for 'Holiday Heart'

    Rum-laced eggnog, mulled wine, or a hot toddy all sound good around the holidays, but too much imbibing can increase your risk of “holiday heart syndrome,” doctors warn.

    Holiday heart syndrome is the unofficial name for a notable increase in patients seeking treatment in ERs for heart rhythm problems caused by too much booze around December, said

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • December 22, 2023
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  • Depression, Anxiety Common in Caregivers of Stroke Survivors

    Anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress are common among people caring for the victim of a recent stroke, a new study has found.

    Nearly 30% of caregivers of severe stroke patients experience stress and emotional problems during the first year after the patient leaves the hospital, according to a report in the journal Neurology<...

    Starting Periods Early Linked to Higher Odds for Diabetes, Stroke

    Girls whose periods begin before the age of 13 are at higher risk of becoming adult women with diabetes, compared to girls who start menstruation later, new research shows.

    An earlier onset of periods also appears to hike a woman's odds for stroke before the age of 65, the same study found.

    Why the link? According to the research team at Tulane University in New Orleans, exposure to...

    Lab-Grown Brain Blood Vessels Show New Ways to Prevent Stroke, Dementia

    Lab-grown blood vessels are providing new insight into how damage to the tiny vessels in the brain can cause them to leak, contributing to dementia and stroke.

    Even better, this research has identified a drug target that could plug these leaks and potentially reduce a person's risk of brain-damaging blood vessel leaks.

    Antibiotic and anti-cancer drugs that inhibit a class of biochem...

    Major Study Confirms Salt's Deadly Effect on Blood Pressure

    Cutting out just one teaspoon of salt every day lowers blood pressure almost as much as medication does, new research shows.

    Investigators said theirs is one of the largest studies ever to include people taking high blood pressure meds in a look at the effect of reducing dietary intake of sodium.

    “We found that 70-75% of all people, regardless of whether they are already on blood ...

    Blood Clot Risk From Contraceptive Pills Ends Soon After Women Stop Taking Them

    Women and their doctors have long known that taking birth control pills can elevate the risk for a blood clot.

    Now, some good news: That added risk will disappear within a few weeks of stopping an oral contraceptive, a new study shows.

    “It's reassuring to know that that possible harm of the pill goes away rapidly when one stops taking it," said study corresponding author

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • November 10, 2023
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  • Income, Education Can Affect Your Stroke Recovery

    Strokes can strike anyone, but income and education may play a role in whether your stroke is fatal or disabling, new research shows.

    As reported Nov. 8 in the journal Neurology, folks who'd had a stroke were 10% more likely to die or become dependent on someone for their care if they were low-income or less educated.

    Study lead author

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • November 9, 2023
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