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Resultados de su búsqueda "Occupational Health".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 279

Biden Administration Proposes Rule to Tackle Extreme Heat in the Workplace

As millions of Americans grapple with blistering heat this summer, the Biden Administration on Tuesday proposed a new rule to address excessive heat in the workplace.

If the first major federal safety standard of its kind becomes final, the

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
  • |
  • July 2, 2024
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  • Página completa
  • Poll Finds Many Young Workers Feeling Stressed, Isolated

    Many younger workers feel stressed, isolated and unappreciated at their jobs, a new survey has found.

    The 2022 Work in America survey, conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA), found that young adults are struggling in the workplace:

    • Nearly half (48%) of workers ages 18 to 25 feel peop...

    Gardeners, Landscapers: Watch Out for These High Heat Danger Signs

    Climate change is pushing daytime summer temperatures higher for longer periods of time, and that can spell real danger for folks who work outside, like gardeners and landscapers.

    Protecting yourself in the heat and knowing the warning signs of heat-related illness is crucial, said Chris Enroth, horticulture educat...

    Science Shows How Night Shifts Help Bring on Disease

    Night shift work can increase a person's risk of chronic disease, and a new study reveals one possible explanation for this.

    It appears that just a few days on a night shift schedule throws off body rhythms tied to regulation of blood sugar, energy burning and inflamma...

    His Cancer Journey Shows Health Dangers Firefighters Face

    For 14 years, David Perez fought fires in South Florida, thinking he was in peak physical shape. Then a routine physical turned up anomalies in his blood work that turned his life upside down.

    "The labs came back irregular. Everything was off," Perez, 44, recalled. "I went to a hematologist and it wasn't until I saw the word cancer on the side of the building that I realized I might have ...

    Outdoor Workers Face Skin Cancer Danger

    Steve Murray, 68, has spent a lot of time out in the sun, at work and at play.

    Murray worked construction for several decades, and as a child spent summers on the beach in Ocean City, N.J., and enjoyed winter visits to sunny Florida.

    He's also repeatedly battled skin cancer and melanoma, the de...

    Telehealth Tougher When English Isn't First Language

    Telehealth is revolutionizing health care in America by making it easier than ever to reach a doctor"but not everyone is benefitting, a new study reports.

    People with limited English skills are more likely to have worse experiences with telehealth visits than people whose first language is English.

    Folks who struggle with English were 40% more likely to rate video health care visits...

    'Gig Economy' Job Woes May Lead to Problem Drinking Later

    The "gig economy"could be setting up many young adults for drinking problems later in life, a new study warns.

    People who take poorly paid temp jobs as freelancers or independent contractors are 43% more likely to develop an alcohol-related illness than those with full-time permanent employment, researchers found.

    Those illnesses include mental and behavioral disorders caused by alc...

    Tough Work Hours in 20s, 30s Tied to Worse Health Decades Later

    A rotten work schedule in young adulthood can affect a person's middle-aged health, a new study finds.

    Young adults who worked shifts outside the usual 9-to-5 schedule were more likely to report worse sleep and symptoms of depression in their 50s, researchers discovered.


    Active Workstations Could Make You Smarter at Work

    Desks that require folks to stand or move as they work also might help them produce better results on the job, a new study suggests.

    People's brains became sharper when working at a desk that made them stand, step or walk rather than sit, results show.

    Reasoning scores in particular improved when at an active workstation, researchers said.

    "It is feasible to blend movement wit...

    Women Working in Health Care Face Burnout at Higher Rates Than Men

    Women working in health care endure significantly more stress and burnout compared to their male co-workers, a new review concludes.

    Gender inequality, a poor balance between work and life and a lack of workplace autonomy all create pressure on female health care professionals, researchers report.

    On the other hand, there are factors that can protect women from stress and burnout: a...

    Young Workers' Injuries Rise After Recreational Marijuana Sales Made Legal

    After states legalize the sale of weed for recreational use, on-the-job injuries rise among younger workers, new research shows.

    U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics for 2006 through 2020 show that legal "recreational marijuana sales were associated with a 10% increase in workplace injuries among individuals aged 20 to 34 years,"the study authors concluded.

    They note that prior research ...

    Anger Won't Help You Get Ahead in the Workplace

    Being an angry hard-charger won't win you any points in the workplace, new research has found.

    Prior evidence had suggested that workers who express anger are judged to be competent and hold a higher status, the researchers noted.

    But the new studies refute those earlier findings, according to researchers from Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Princeton University.

    "We found ...

    No Benefit Seen From Most Workplace Wellness Programs

    Employees at many companies are urged to take advantage of free wellness programs focused on mindfulness, life coaching, better sleep and many other issues.

    Too bad most won't actually boost their well-being, a new study of over 46,000 British workers finds.

    Only one of the 90 different workplace wellness offerings appeared to boost well-being: Getting employees involved in charity ...

    Night Shifts Are Triggering Sleep Disorders in Workers

    More than half of night shift workers have at least one sleep disorder, as nocturnal labor plays havoc with body rhythms, a new study shows.

    About 51% of people working nights score positive for at least one sleep disorder, said senior study author Dr. Marike Lancel, a professor of behavioral and social sciences at GGZ Drenthe's Mental Heal...

    First Asthma-Linked Death Highlights Hazards at Marijuana-Processing Plants

    A young woman working at a Massachusetts cannabis-processing facility who developed new-onset asthma and later died of a fatal asthma attack is the first such fatality in the burgeoning industry, a new report finds.

    Researchers believe large amounts of allergen-laden dust created at these facilities could pose real respiratory dangers to workers.

    When it comes to asthma and the dang...

    UN Report Warns That Working in the Sun Causes Skin Cancers

    THURSDAY, Nov. 9, 2023 (Healthday News) -- New data from two United Nations agencies shows that millions of workers toiling under the sun's glare is fueling skin cancer cases around the world.

    Nearly 1 in 3 deaths from non-melanoma skin cancer is caused by occupational exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (IL...

    People's Heart Health Improves in More 'Flexible' Workplaces

    A kinder, more thoughtful workplace can lead to better heart health among older employees, a new study finds.

    Older workers' heart health risk factors decreased significantly when their office employed interventions designed to reduce work-family conflicts, researchers report in the Nov. 8 issue of the American Journal of Public Health.

    Specifically, their heart risk factor...

    Kaiser Permanente Reaches Tentative Deal With 75,000 Health Care Workers

    A tentative deal has been reached between Kaiser Permanente and its 75,000 health care workers following a three-day strike last week.

    "The frontline health care workers of the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions are excited to have reached a tentative agreement with Kaiser Permanente," union officials pos...

    Job Worries Are Keeping Americans Awake at Night: Survey

    Americans are losing sleep over worries about money, a new survey reveals.

    The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) polled about 2,000 U.S. adults, finding that 69% reported lost sleep due to concerns about job security and 75% were kept up with ...

    Over 75,000 Kaiser Permanente Union Workers Go on Strike

    Health care workers who serve millions of Americans began a three-day strike on Wednesday after contract negotiations over staffing levels stalled.

    More than 75,000 members of the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions began walking off their jobs as early as 6 a.m. in Virginia and Washington, D.C., the Washington Post reported. The union, whose contract expired Saturday, represen...

    Over 75,000 Kaiser Permanente Union Workers Could Strike on Wednesday

    Health care workers who serve millions of Americans could strike Wednesday if Kaiser Permanente and union workers don't reach an agreement.

    More than 75,000 members of the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions are poised to strike, CNBC reported. The union, whose contract expired Saturday, represents medical assistants, surgical and lab technicians and pharmacists, among other st...

    Exercise Can Preserve Astronauts' Heart Health on Long Space Flights

    Extensive exercise regimens are keeping astronauts healthy and protecting their hearts during extended space missions, new research finds.

    A study from scientists at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas found no loss of heart mass or output, and no loss of function in the heart's ventricles, during flights that can last up to six months.

    The findings could have implications...

    Nurses, Health Care Staff Face Higher Suicide Risks

    Nurses, health technicians and health care support workers face a higher risk of suicide than the general U.S. population does, an alarming new study shows.

    Researchers pointed out these workers have to perform stressful tasks while caring for ill patients and managing heavy workloads, with little control over patient outcomes.

    Not only that, but "health care workers' relationship ...

    Job Frustrations Can Really Be a Heartbreaker for Men

    A job that's demanding but less than rewarding may take a big toll on a man's heart health, a large new study suggests.

    The study, of nearly 6,500 white-collar workers, found that men who habitually felt stressed on the job had up to double the risk of developing heart disease as their peers who ...

    Americans Are Worried About AI in the Workplace: Poll

    Could an algorithm take your job someday? Concerns about artificial intelligence, or AI, are plaguing U.S. workers, according to a new American Psychological Association poll.

    Some workers are uncomfortable with the way their employers are tracking them, while others worry that AI will make their jobs obsolete.

    "Employers interested in investing in artificial intelligence systems m...

    Female Surgeons Bring Better Outcomes for Patients, Two Studies Show

    The field of surgery has long been dominated by men, and still is today.

    But two new studies show that if patients want safe, effective long-term results, picking a female surgeon might be key.

    In one study involving more than 1 million Canadian surgical patients whose outcomes were followed for a year, "those treated by a female surgeon were less likely to experience death, hospita...

    Bus Drivers Faced High Risk of Severe COVID-19

    People working in certain jobs had greater risk of being hospitalized for COVID-19, even in the later stages of the pandemic, researchers report.

    Bus drivers rank high on that list, with double the risk of being hospitalized compared to lower-contact jobs.

    Several occupations in education and health care were also at greater risk of serious illness, the new study shows.


    Space Travel Takes Toll on Astronauts' Blood, Bone

    When astronauts travel to space, the experience depletes their red blood cells and bone, according to a new study.

    Fortunately, it appears their bodies can eventually replenish them after they've returned to Earth, thanks to fat stored in the bone marrow.

    "We found that astronauts had significantly less fat in their bone marrow about a month after returning to Earth,"said senior st...

    Nurses, Other Health Care Workers at High Risk of Drug Overdose

    As the United States wrestles with soaring drug overdose deaths, new research finds that nurses, social and behavioral health care workers and health care support workers are at particularly high risk.

    Compared with employed adults who are not health care workers, social workers and other behavioral health care workers are more than twice as likely to die of overdose, said study co-...

    More Typos: Workers' Mistakes Rise on Fridays, Study Shows

    Workers may sense it intuitively but their mouse clicks prove it: Friday afternoon is the least productive time of the work week.

    It's also when workers make the most typos.

    A Texas A&M University team studied this using the computer usage metrics of 789 in-office employees at a large energy company over two years.

    "Most studies of worker productivity use employee self-reports...

    Think Your Job Is 'Socially Useless'? You're Not Alone

    Ever feel like your job is pointless?

    A big part of the population feels just that way -- that the jobs they do matter little to society.

    And a Swiss study that delved into what's been dubbed the "bullshit jobs theory" found that feeling was especially likely for f...

    Quartz Countertops Are Damaging the Lungs of Installers: Study

    Workers making the most popular type of countertop sold in the United States are at risk for potentially deadly lung disease, a new study finds.

    The risk owes to the tiny particles of dust produced while cutting, shaping and polishing the synthetic quartz.

    Inhaling the dust causes the same lung damage, called silicosis, seen for centuries in miners and cutters of natural stone. Engi...

    For Young Workers, Insomnia Cuts Productivity

    A new study from Australia tied some dangerous and unsettling issues to sleep disorders in young people.

    The research found links to daytime drowsiness, mental health issues and motor vehicle accidents and noted that as many as 20% of younger people are affected by sleep disorders.

    Workplace productivity losses were up to 40% greater among 22-year-olds with clinical sleep disorders ...

    Nearly 1 in 5 Say Their Workplace Can Be Toxic, Poll Finds

    About one-fifth of American workers say their workplace is toxic, and many say their mental health is harmed as a result.

    The American Psychological Association (APA) questioned 2,515 employed adults in April for its annual Work in America Survey. Nineteen percent stated that their workplace is very or somewhat toxic.

    "The number of individuals who report experiencing a toxic workp...

    Beauticians, Hairdressers May Face Higher Odds for Ovarian Cancer

    When thinking of people in high-risk jobs, hairdressers and beauticians don't immediately come to mind.

    But cosmetologists have a much greater chance of developing ovarian cancer than the average woman, a new study reports.

    Specifically, working for a decade or more as a hairdresser, barber or beautician is associated with a threefold higher risk of ovarian cancer, according to a re...

    Space Travel Might Weaken Immune System

    Space travel appears to weaken astronauts' immune systems, and researchers believe changes in gene expression are the culprit.

    These immune deficits aren't permanent. They disappear when back on Earth, often within weeks, according to new research published June 22 in Frontiers in Immunology.

    "Here we show that the expression of many genes relat...

    Stress that Farm Families Face Affects Parents, Kids Alike

    While the challenges of farm work are well noted, the stressors affect not just the mental health of adults, but also their teenage children, according to new research.

    In results from the first year of a five-year study, researchers found that 60% of both adults and teens on U.S. farms met the criteria for at least mild depression. About 55% of the adults and 45% of the teenagers had sym...

    Working With AI Might Make for Lonely Workers

    A new study finds that people working with artificial intelligence (AI) systems can be lonely, suffer from insomnia and drink more heavily after work.

    In the study, published online June 12 in the Journal of Applied Psychology, the researchers noted these finding...

    Long Space Flights Could Take Toll on Astronauts' Brains

    Astronauts spending six months or longer in space should stretch their time between trips to three years, warns new research on the impact of space travel on the brain.

    To study this, researchers examined the brain scans of 30 astronauts, looking at scans that depicted their brains both before and after their missions.

    The research team included missions that were two weeks long, si...

    Are ERs Safe? Patients, Nurses and Doctors Say No in New Survey

    Emergency departments aren't perceived as safe for professionals or their patients, according to an international survey from the European Society of Emergency Medicine (EUSEM).

    More than 90% of emergency professionals surveyed said they felt at times the number of patients exceeded the capacity the emergency department (ED) had to provide safe care. Overcrowding was a problem, they said...

    Shift Work May Harm the Health of Men More Than Women

    Working nights can be tough on the body, and a new study suggests it might take a particular toll on men's health.

    The research, which involved lab mice and humans, hints that the male of the species might be more vulnerable to the "body clock" disturbances that come with shift work.

    In the lab, researchers found that male mice showed a range of negative effects from being exposed t...

    Degreasing Chemical Tied to Higher Odds for Parkinson's Disease

    A chemical used to degrease industrial parts that was also used as a surgical anesthetic until the 1970s may increase the risk for Parkinson's disease, researchers report.

    Their new study found that two years of heavy exposure to the liquid chemical TCE may boost Parkinson's risk by 70%.

    TCE, or trichloroethylene, lingers in the air, water and soil. It has been linked to certain can...

    For NHL Players, More Fighting on the Ice Is Linked to Shorter Lives

    Fighting is par for the course in professional ice hockey, but a new study raises the question of whether it is shortening some players' lives.

    The study, of hundreds of National Hockey League (NHL) players, found that those who were "enforcers" on the ice -- that is, did a lot of fighting -...

    Thousands of Tons of Toxic Chemicals Are Released Into American Homes Each Year

    Many common household products emit airborne toxins that can harm your health in ways up to and including cancer, a new study reports.

    Dozens of different types of consumer products contain toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs), chemicals that escape as gases and accumulate in indoor air, researchers from the Silent Spring Institute and the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkele...

    Each Year Spent Working With Certain Chemicals Raises Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

    Jobs that regularly expose you to certain chemicals appear to steadily increase your risk of pancreatic cancer, a new analysis reports.

    People with more than 20 years of exposure to some chemical agents had a 39% increased risk of pancreatic cancer, compared with an 11% higher risk for 11 to 20 years' exposure and a 4% higher risk for 1 to 10 years' exposure, researchers found.


    Discrimination at Work Could Raise Blood Pressure

    Dealing with discrimination at work -- from bosses or coworkers -- may be enough to send your blood pressure through the roof, a new study suggests.

    Researchers found that among more than 1,200 U.S. workers, those who felt they often faced on-the-job discrimination were 54% more likely to develop high blood pressure, versus workers with little exposure to such bias.

    Over eight year...

    Disconnecting From Work in Off-Hours Can Make You a Better Manager

    Striking a better work-life balance might make you a more effective manager on the job, according to a new study.

    A survey of managers and their employees found that bosses who could shut off after-work emails, calls and job-related stress had greater success guiding underlings to meet work goals.

    "We found that when leaders psychologically detached from work when at home -- they di...

    Poll Shows Parents Torn When Teens Enter the Workforce

    As summer nears, teens may want to apply for their first job or try to boost their hours for the season.

    Not all parents think this is such a good idea though, according to a new C.S. Mott Children's Hospital poll.

    "Teen jobs can be super positive and I think we see that in o...

    About 100,000 U.S. Nurses Left Workforce During Pandemic

    During the pandemic, nearly 100,000 U.S. registered nurses called it quits, a new survey shows.

    Why? A combination of stress, burnout and retirements created a perfect storm for the exodus.

    Even worse, another 610,000 registered nurses (RNs) said they had an "intent to leave"the workforce by 2027, citing those same reasons. And an additional 189,000 RNs younger than 40 reported simi...