Manténgase sano!

Resultados de su búsqueda "Down Syndrome".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 17

Scientists Discover First Case of Down Syndrome in Neanderthals

Scientists have documented the first case of Down syndrome in Neanderthals, a finding which also supports the notion that these cousins of modern man were capable of providing care and support to a vulnerable member of their group.

"The results have significant implications for our understandin...

Most Kids With Down Syndrome Have Sleep Apnea, But New Implant Can Help

Four-year-old Theo Scott was born with Down syndrome, and since the age of 1 he's also had to wear a CPAP device whenever he sleeps, to help ease his sleep apnea.

He's not alone: Eight out of 10 kids with Down syndrome have sleep apnea.

Luckily for Theo, his nightly CPAP ordeal may be over. He...

Two-Thirds of Severe COVID Survivors Face Health Issues Months Later

People who survive a long and harrowing bout of COVID-19 do not emerge unscathed from their illness, a new study warns.

Two-thirds of severe COVID patients still have physical, psychiatric and thinking problems one year after their illness, researchers report.

The report highlights the ongoing ...

Remains Show Prehistoric Peoples Cared for Those With Down Syndrome

Rare gene-driven defects such as Down syndrome have occurred among human beings for many thousands of years, a new analysis of ancient DNA has revealed.

Not only did the birth defects exist, but these infants were often buried with care by their community. That suggests they were included as part of the community despite their differences, researchers said.

Six cases of Down syndrom...

Children With Down Syndrome More Vulnerable to Leukemia

While new treatments for leukemia have improved outcomes for many patients, children with Down syndrome have not benefited as much.

These young people are at increased risk for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and have higher rates of relapse and treatment-related harm.

A new review looked at more contemporary therapi...

Better Health Care Access Is Helping People With Down Syndrome Live Longer

Americans with Down syndrome have a critical lifeline in Medicaid insurance, new research confirms.

But the publicly funded insurance program will have to respond to rising numbers of older adults with Down syndrome, researchers say.

"As more people with Down syndrome survive to older ages, the Medicaid system needs to be ready to serve this population with tailored, sensitive, and ...

Science Reveals Links Between Down Syndrome & Alzheimer's

The genetic abnormality that drives Down syndrome causes the same sort of abnormal brain plaques and protein tangles that are found in Alzheimer's disease patients, a new study reports.

Amyloid beta plaques and tau tangles have long been associated with Alzheimer's disease, and they're also evident in most people with Down syndrome by age 40, researchers note.

These plaques and tan...

In Small Study, Hormone Boosts Thinking Skills in Men With Down Syndrome

Men with Down syndrome may think and remember better when treated with a brain hormone normally associated with fertility, a new small-scale study suggests.

Rhythmic drip doses of

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 1, 2022
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  • Página completa
  • One Factor Is Key to Healthy Eating for Kids With Down Syndrome

    When it comes to food, kids with Down syndrome have definite likes and dislikes -- and a food's texture is crucial.

    Food with a crispy, oily mouthfeel generally get a big thumbs-up, while brittle or gooey foods get a thumbs-down.

    But picky food choices can result in a less healthful diet, so researchers wanted to better understand how

  • By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • August 31, 2022
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  • Tongue Stimulator Shows Promise as Sleep Apnea Treatment in Kids With Down Syndrome

    Children with Down syndrome are more likely than other kids to have sleep apnea, and existing treatments often fail to work.

    Now, an implanted device that stimulates tongue nerves shows promise in reducing their sleep disruptions, a new study finds.

    A device called a hypoglossal nerve stimulator is already approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for adults with

  • By Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 22, 2022
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  • Página completa
  • Genes Could Raise COVID Risks for People With Down Syndrome

    Certain genetic factors in people with Down syndrome may increase their COVID-19 risks.

    Previous studies have found that people with Down syndrome are 10 times more likely to die from COVID-19, and experts have said they should be among those given priority for vaccination.

    In this new study, Spanish researchers examined genetic differences in people with Down syndrome that might af...

    People With Down Syndrome Face Higher Risk of Severe COVID-19

    When adults with Down syndrome contract COVID-19, their risk of dying is much higher than the norm, a large, new study finds.

    The researchers found that of over 8 million British adults, those with Down syndrome were four times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19, and 10 times more likely to die due to the infection.

    Right now, people with Down syndrome are not included on ...

    People With Down Syndrome Face Higher Risk of Severe COVID-19

    When adults with Down syndrome contract COVID-19, their risk of dying is much higher than the norm, a large, new study finds.

    The researchers found that of over 8 million British adults, those with Down syndrome were four times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19, and 10 times more likely to die due to the infection.

    Right now, people with Down syndrome are not incl...

    People With Intellectual Disabilities Are Being Hit Hard by COVID-19

    New research is shining a light on a group particularly vulnerable to the new coronavirus: People with an intellectual or developmental disability (IDD), cared for either by family at home or in group homes.

    People with these types of disabilities include those with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and other conditions, and the data shows they're significantly more likely to die after co...

    Down Syndrome Carries Raised Risk of Dementia by 55

    Most people with Down syndrome have dementia by age 55, a new study shows.

    People with Down syndrome are born with an extra copy of chromosome 21, which often results in developmental disabilities. Surviving to middle age used to be rare, with many dying young due to heart problems associated with the syndrome, the researchers noted.

    While treatment advances now enable peopl...

    How Do Birth Defects Affect Childhood Cancer Risk?

    Children with birth defects may be at increased risk for childhood cancer, a new study finds.

    Researchers analyzed data from more than 10 million children born in Texas, Arkansas, Michigan and North Carolina between 1992 and 2013.

    Compared to children without a birth defect, those with genetic defects were almost 12 times more likely to develop cancer by age 18. Those whose ...

    Experts Outline Down Syndrome's Developmental Milestones

    Parents of kids with Down syndrome often worry whether their children can develop life skills, but new research suggests that the picture is far from bleak.

    "More and more parents are opting for prenatal testing during their pregnancies, and if they learn about a diagnosis of Down syndrome they want to know real-life answers to such questions," said Dr. Brian Skotko. He is director of...