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Resultados de su búsqueda "Cosmetics".

18 Jul

Do “Beauty Boosters” Like Collagen and Biotin Really Work?

The beauty supplement business is booming, but is there any real science behind the promises of healthier skin, hair, and. nails?

Resultados de noticias de salud - 33

FDA Proposes Ban on Formaldehyde in Hair Straighteners Over Health Dangers

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has proposed a ban on the use of formaldehyde in hair relaxers over concerns about its link to respiratory problems and certain cancers.

Right now, the FDA only discourages u...

Men's Use of Personal Care Products, and Chemicals They Contain, Has Doubled in 20 Years

Men's use of personal care products has almost doubled since 2004, exposing them to some potentially harmful chemicals, a new study commissioned by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) finds.

Overall, the average American adult uses 12 personal care products a day that contain as many as 112 chemical ingredients. That's a change from the previous average of nine products with 126 unique...

Skin Lightening Products Carry Dangers, But Many Users Are Unaware of Risks: Study

Using skin lightening products can be dangerous without a doctor's supervision because they may contain harmful ingredients.

Still, nearly a quarter of people in a recent survey said they used the products not for a medical issue, but for overall skin lightening. It's an issue that relates back to colorism, the system of inequality that considers lighter skin more beautiful, researchers s...

Beauticians, Hairdressers May Face Higher Odds for Ovarian Cancer

When thinking of people in high-risk jobs, hairdressers and beauticians don't immediately come to mind.

But cosmetologists have a much greater chance of developing ovarian cancer than the average woman, a new study reports.

Specifically, working for a decade or more as a hairdresser, barber or beautician is associated with a threefold higher risk of ovarian cancer, according to a re...

Could Hair Relaxers Affect a Woman's Fertility?

Hair relaxers may slightly affect fertility, a factor most likely to impact women who are Black or Hispanic, according to a new study.

Research led by Boston University School of Public Health found that these chemical hair straightene...

Use of Hair Straighteners Tied to Doubling of Risk for Uterine Cancer

Women who regularly use chemical hair straighteners may be more prone to developing uterine cancer, a new large government study suggests.

The study, which followed nearly 34,000 U.S. women over a decade, found that those who frequently used hair straighteners were 2.5 times more likely to de...

TikTok 'Slugging' Trend Has People Coating Their Faces With Grease

To slug or not to slug? That's the question for millions of TikTok users, who turn to the social media giant for tips and information on what amounts to a DIY skin care phenomenon.

Slugging involves slathering some sort...

FDA Warns of Dangers From Skin Lightening Creams

Skin lightening products can be dangerous for consumers when they contain harmful ingredients that are illegal for over-the-counter sales, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned Wednesday.

The potentially harmful ingredient...

Chemicals Found in Cosmetics, Plastics Linked to Preterm Delivery

Phthalates, chemicals that are typically used to strengthen plastics, are in millions of products people use every day, but a new analysis confirms their link to a higher risk for preterm births.

The largest study to date o...

FDA Warns 12 Companies About Skin Lightening Products

Twelve companies have been issued warning letters about selling over-the-counter skin lightening products containing hydroquinone, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday.

The products are unapproved drugs that are not recognized as safe and effective, according to

  • By Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporter
  • |
  • April 20, 2022
  • |
  • Página completa
  • Chemicals in Hair, Beauty Products May Interfere With Hormones During Pregnancy

    Pregnant women who use hair dyes or straighteners may have relatively lower levels of pregnancy-supporting hormones, a recent study suggests.

    Researchers found that among more than 1,000 pregnant women they followed, those who used certain hair products -- dyes, bleaches, relaxers or mous...

    Using a Hair Removal Gel or Cream? Here's How to Do It Safely

    When hair sprouts where you don't want it, you can always shave, but other ways to remove unwanted body hair can last longer.

    The downside: Chemical hair removers can cause burning, itching or redness.

    "Hair removal creams, lotions and gels are quick and easy to use, but they can sometimes irritate the skin," dermatologist Dr. Andrea Mabry said in an American Academy of Dermatology ...

    Trying Out a New Skin Care Product? Test It First

    You've just bought a new skin care product and you're excited to see how it might transform your look. Instead, you end up with red, itchy or swollen patches because one of the ingredients causes an allergic reaction.

    The best way to avoid this problem while trying something new is to test it on several small areas of your skin first to determine whether it's likely to irritate you, acco...

    Dyeing Your Hair? Beware Chemical Burns

    Nothing can perk up your appearance like a new cut and color, but failure to take proper precautions when having your hair dyed could result in chemical burns on your scalp, an expert warns.

    "We usually see this injury around prom season and into summer," said Dr. Nneka Okafor, an assistant professor of family and community medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

    "We are ...

    Are Women Absorbing Toxins From Their Makeup?

    A polished, perfectly put-together face can be a huge boost to your confidence, but a new study shows that many of the cosmetics that help achieve that look might also be harmful to your health.

    In the United States and Canada, plenty of beauty products appear to contain high levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a potentially toxic class of chemicals linked to some seriou...

    Moderate Use of Hair Relaxers Won't Raise Black Women's Cancer Risk: Study

    Moderate use of hair relaxers doesn't increase a Black woman's risk of breast cancer, according to a new study.

    "While there is biologic plausibility that exposure to some components contained in hair relaxers might increase breast cancer risk, the evidence from epidemiologic studies to date continues to be inconsistent," said lead author Kimberly Bertrand, an epidemiologist and assistant...

    Formaldehyde in Hair Straighteners Prompts FDA Warning

    You might decide your frizzy locks aren't so bad after all, given a new warning from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that most hair straightening/smoothing products release formaldehyde gas, a human carcinogen.

    Being exposed to formaldehyde for longer periods of time and at higher concentrations increases the health risks, according to the FDA.

    Formaldehyde exposure can ...

    Some Talc Products Contain Asbestos: Study

    Nearly 15% of talc-based cosmetic products analyzed in a recent study contained asbestos.

    Environmental Working Group (EWG) -- an American advocacy nonprofit that commissioned the tests and did the analysis -- said methods used by the cosmetics industry to screen talc supplies are inadequate. The voluntary testing method developed by industry is not sensitive enough to screen for asbestos...

    Mom-to-Be's Cosmetics Chemicals Could Lead to Heavier Baby

    When pregnant women use cosmetics containing parabens, their children may have a greater likelihood of becoming overweight, a new study suggests.

    Parabens are chemicals that have long been used as a preservative in cosmetics and body care products. A number of studies have suggested that parabens mimic estrogens in the body and may disrupt the normal function of hormones.


    Large Study Shows No Strong Link Between Baby Powder, Ovarian Cancer

    There's been a longstanding debate -- and a slew of lawsuits -- over whether baby powder containing talc plays any role in the development of some cancers.

    A large new study isn't likely to settle the controversy any time soon.

    The latest research included more than 250,000 women and failed to find a statistically significant connection between talc-based powders and ovarian...

    Victoria's Secret Models Are Skinnier Now, as Average Woman's Waistline Widens

    For the average American woman, it's now tougher than ever before to match the "ideal" beauty set by supermodels, new research shows.

    Even as the average dress size for a U.S. woman rises, the measurements of the average Victoria's Secret model have shrunk, according to researchers at Boston University School of Medicine.

    For the study, the researchers tracked the measuremen...

    Ever Get a Rash from Your Skin Cream or Makeup? Here's Why

    Skin creams and cosmetics can sometimes produce rashes instead of a beautiful complexion, but why has been a mystery until now.

    A new study suggests that some chemicals in these products remove natural fats in skin cells, which might be why they trigger allergic reactions.

    When the immune system spots something foreign, its T-cells spring into action, the researchers explai...

    Skin-Lightening Cream Could Cause Nerve Damage, CDC Report Warns

    A skin-lightening cream from Mexico that contained toxic mercury left a California woman with significant central nervous system damage, doctors report in a case study.

    Many weeks after her initial hospitalization, the woman requires "ongoing tube feeding for nutritional support" and can't speak or care for herself, according to the authors.

    The cream contained a form of org...

    Are Superbugs Making Themselves at Home in Your Makeup Bag?

    Makeup is a daily staple for most women, but new research finds that 9 of 10 beauty products may harbor superbugs after they're opened.

    Beauty blenders (sponges used to apply foundation or other products to the face), mascara and lip gloss get contaminated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as E. coli and staph because most aren't cleaned and are used long past their expiration d...

    What to Do If You Have a Bad Reaction to Cosmetics

    One consequence of the government's limited role in regulating cosmetics is that questionable products may stay on store shelves and e-commerce sites despite complaints. Even when consumers report problems, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration can't issue a recall -- it can only recommend one.

    Also, the FDA doesn't require cosmetics companies to tell it about consumer complain...

    Mercury in Creams, Feces in Cosmetics: Beware Bargain Beauty Products

    Stocking up on the latest beauty products can be costly. Is it possible to save money and still put your best face forward?

    You may luck out and find things on sale at reputable retailers. But beware of prices that seem too good to be true on the internet or from sellers that may not be around tomorrow, like a flea market vendor.

    Buy these products and you may end up with ...

    Swallowing Toiletries, Makeup Sends Thousands of Kids to ER Each Year

    Take a stroll down the beauty products aisle and you'll see rows of colorful packages, even some with pictures of fruit on them. It's easy to see how about a dozen kids a day end up in the emergency room due to exposure to these enticing chemical concoctions.

    Over a 15-year period, nearly 65,000 youngsters under 5 years of age were treated in U.S. emergency departments for injuries r...

    'Daddy-Do-Overs': Men Increasingly Getting Plastic Surgery

    A face-lift for Father's Day, anyone?

    It could happen: A new report finds many more men are taking advantage of the same plastic surgeries that have long been associated with women.

    The midlife decision by men to try a face-lift or other procedure has been nicknamed the "Daddy-Do-Over" -- referencing the "Mommy Makeover" for women.

    Whatever it's called, "men are em...

    Bones Help Black People Keep Facial Aging at Bay

    Why do so many black adults continue to look youthful as they age?

    A new study says it's in their bones.

    Researchers found that the facial bones of black adults retain a higher mineral content than those other races, which makes their faces less likely to reflect their advancing years.

    The new study is the first to document how facial bones change as black adults ...

    What Price Beauty for Women? Far More Than for Men

    Facial moisturizers are a mainstay against the march of time, smoothing over wrinkles and keeping dry skin supple. But new research shows that women pay a much higher price for that anti-aging weapon than men do.

    In the study, dermatologists from Massachusetts General Hospital checked the prices for 110 facial moisturizers from three leading online retailers -- Amazon, Target and Walm...

    Those Whitening Strips May Damage Your Teeth

    Having a pearly white smile may come with a significant cost -- the health of your teeth.

    New research suggests that over-the-counter whitening strips may be eroding the structure of your choppers.

    "This study shows that there is a loss of protein from the teeth with these whitening treatments," said senior author Kelly Keenan, an associate professor of chemistry at Stockt...

    Claire's Recalls 3 Cosmetic Products Due to Possible Asbestos Contamination

    Claire's Stores, Inc., announced a voluntary recall of three of its cosmetic products on Tuesday.

    The move follows a warning issued last week by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that said certain Claire's products may contain potentially cancer-causing asbestos.

    "Out of an abundance of caution, today Claire's Stores, Inc., announced a voluntary recall of three cosmetic ...

    FDA Issues Asbestos Warning About Some Claire's Cosmetic Products

    Consumers should avoid certain Claire's cosmetic products that may contain potentially cancer-causing asbestos because the company has refused to recall the items, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned Tuesday.

    The agency's concern dates back two years, when the FDA first became aware of reports of possible asbestos contamination in some cosmetic products sold by Claire's and J...

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