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Health News Results - 214

Costs, Side Effects Drive Folks to Quit New Weight-Loss Meds

Three months after starting one of the new GLP-1 weight-loss drugs, more than a quarter of patients have already quit the medications, and by a year from first use more than a third have stopped, new research shows.

Reasons for quitting Wegovy, Ozempic or similar drugs may include cost or gastrointestinal side effects, said a team led by U...

Use of GLP-1 Meds Have Risen 7-Fold Among Young Americans

The number of American teens and young adults who've been prescribed one of the new GLP-1 weight-loss drugs soared nearly seven-fold between 2020 and 2023, a new report finds.

That's compared to an overall decline of about 3% in young Americans' use of other types of prescription meds.

But how safe are drugs like Ozempic,

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 22, 2024
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  • 'Hungry Gut' Gene Test Shows Who'll Benefit Most From Wegovy

    You've watched others shed pounds in a matter of weeks after taking one of the new blockbuster weight-loss drugs, so you decide to try one of the medications yourself, only to discover the needle on your bathroom scale barely budges.

    Why? New research presented Monday at the Digestive Disease Week conference in Washington, D.C., suggests genes might be at play.

    Some patients will l...

    Stomach Paralysis Risk May Rise in People Taking Ozempic and Similar Drugs

    New, real-world research confirms that the blockbuster weight-loss drugs that millions of Americans have been taking to shed pounds can trigger stomach paralysis in some patients.

    “Although these drugs do work and should be used for the right reason, we just want to caution everyone that if you do decide to start this, be prepared that you have a 30 percent chance that you may have GI s...

    More Studies Support Wegovy's Long-Term Weight-Loss Benefits

    Semaglutide -- the active ingredient in the blockbuster weight-loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy -- can produce long-term weight and heart health benefits, a pair of new studies show.

    Researchers found that overweight and obese adults lost an average 10% of their body weight and nearly three inches of...

    Wegovy Can Help Heart Failure Patients Reduce Meds: Study

    People with heart failure are often prescribed what are known as loop diuretic medications to help reduce the fluid buildup that's a hallmark of the disease.

    Now, research suggests that taking the blockbuster weight loss drug Wegovy (semaglutide) can help patients reduce their need for diuretics.

    After a year taking Wegovy, "there...

    One in 8 U.S. Adults Have Now Used Blockbuster Meds Like Ozempic

    About 1 in 8 U.S. adults (12%) have tried a weight-loss drug like Wegovy, Ozempic, Zepbound or Mounjaro, a new KFF Health Tracking Poll says.

    About 6% are taking one right now, the poll found.

    Most patients say they use the drugs (61%) to treat a chronic condition like diabetes or heart disease, ...

    Stomach-Zapping Procedure Lowers Appetite to Help With Weight Loss

    An experimental procedure could reduce levels of a hunger-triggering hormone by burning part of a person’s stomach lining, a new study reports.

    In the procedure, doctors snake a tube down the patient’s throat with a tiny device that singes the lining of the upper portion of the stomach, also called the gastric fundus.

    That’s the part of the stomach that produces ghrelin, the p...

    New Rules Mean 3.6 Million Americans Could Get Wegovy Via Medicare, Costing Billions

    A budget-busting 3.6 million Medicare recipients could now be eligible for coverage of the weight-loss drug Wegovy, a new KFF analysis says.

    That’s because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of Wegovy (semaglutide) to reduce the risk of heart attacks

    Calories, Not Meal Timing, Key to Weight Loss: Study

    A head-to-head trial of obese, pre-diabetic people who ate the same amount of daily calories -- with one group following a fasting schedule and the other eating freely -- found no difference in weight loss or other health indicators.

    So, despite the fact that fasting diets are all the rage, if you simply cut your daily caloric intake,

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 19, 2024
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  • Weight-loss Drug Zepbound Eases Sleep Apnea in Company Trials

    Zepbound, one of the wildly popular weight-loss drugs that millions of Americans now take, eased sleep apnea in obese adults in two company trials, drug maker Eli Lilly announced Wednesday.

    First approved to treat obesity by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration last Nov...

    Mouse Study Shows Microplastics Migrating From Gut to Other Organs

    Microplastics could be migrating from the digestive tract into the kidneys, livers and brains of human beings, a new mouse study suggests.

    Lab mice exposed to microplastics in their drinking water wound up with the tiny plastic particles lodged in a number of different organs, researchers reported April 10 in the journal Environ...

    Ozempic, Wegovy Won't Boost Thyroid Cancer Risk: Study

    Wegovy, Ozempic and other drugs known as GLP-1 analogues have become wildly popular for controlling diabetes and helping folks lose weight.

    There were concerns that longer term use of the drugs might raise users' odds for thyroid cancer, but a Swedish study of more than 435,000 people finds no evidence to support that notion.

    “Many people take these medicines, so it is important...

    Another Study Warns of Surgery Risks for Folks Taking Ozempic, Wegovy

    People taking weight-loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy need to drop them in the days or weeks prior to surgery, a new study warns.

    Folks on one of these drugs -- known as GLP-1 receptor agonists -- have a 33% higher risk of developing pneumonia by breathing in their own vomit during surgery, researche...

    Medicare to Cover Wegovy When Patients Also Have Heart Disease

    Medicare will now cover the popular weight-loss drug Wegovy if patients using it also have heart disease, U.S. officials announced Thursday.

    The move comes after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved drugmaker Novo Nordisk's application to add

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 22, 2024
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  • Could Intermittent Fasting Diets Raise Heart Risks?

    Intermittent fasting might be bad for your heart, a new study warns.

    People who restricted their eating to an 8-hour window had nearly twice the risk of heart-related death compared to folks who ate freely, results show.

    This runs counter to previous research in which intermittent fasting impr...

    Zepbound Helps Obese People Shed Pounds, Regardless of Starting Weight

    The blockbuster weight-loss medication Zepbound (tirzepatide) appears to help folks quickly shed pounds regardless of how overweight they are, or how long they've lived being overweight or obese.

    Those are the findings of two separate analyses of a major trial of the injected drug that was funded by maker Eli Lilly.

    “Regardless of...

    Precautions Needed When Folks Taking Ozempic, Wegovy Undergo Anesthesia

    Nurses who specialize in anesthesia have issued new guidelines to reduce the risk that patients taking weight-loss drugs like Ozempic or Wegovy throw up during surgery.

    "These medications have exploded in popularity," said

  • Carole Tanzer Miller HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 13, 2024
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  • FDA Approves Wegovy to Help Prevent Heart Attack, Stroke

    Wegovy (semaglutide), the weight-loss version of blockbuster diabetes drug Ozempic, was approved on Friday by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to help prevent heart attack, stroke and heart death.

    “Wegovy is now the first weight-loss medication to also be approved to help prevent life-threatening cardiovascular events in adults with cardiovascular disease and either obesity or over...

    Wegovy, Ozempic Use Could Complicate Your Surgery

    Weight-loss drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic can increase a person's risk of throwing up during surgery while under anesthesia, a new study reports.

    People are typically asked to fast prior to surgery because general anesthesia can cause nausea, and they might inhale and choke on their own vomit.

    Unfortunately, part of the way that these drugs, called GLP-1 receptor agonists, help prom...

    How to Keep the 'Ozempic Effect' Going: Exercise

    An open question for weight-loss drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy and Zepbound has been whether folks will keep the pounds off when they stop taking them.

    Regular exercise could be the key to quitting the drugs without regaining weight, a new Danish study says.

    “It is actually possible to stop taking the medication without large weight regain, if you follow a structured exercise regime,...

    Can't Exercise Every Day? Weight Loss Is Still Possible

    Folks can lose weight even if they pack all their weekly exercise into one or two days, a new study finds.

    Guidelines recommend that people get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous exercise.

    “Weekend warriors” who condense all that exercise into one or two days each week can lose about the same amount of weight as people who ...

    Novo Nordisk Settles Lawsuits Over Copycat Versions of Ozempic, Wegovy

    Novo Nordisk has settled lawsuits against two Florida businesses that claimed to sell copycat versions of its popular weight-loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy.

    The Danish drugmaker announced the settlements Friday, according to NBC News

    The move capped a legal battle that began in late November when the company filed 12 lawsuits against clinics, medical spas and compound...

    You Probably Can't 'Exercise Away' the Calories in Sodas: Study

    Don't expect to sweat away the heart risks posed by sugary sodas and drinks, a new study warns.

    Canadian researchers found that even if the recommended 150 minutes of weekly physical activity protects against cardiovascular disease, it's not enough to counter the adverse effects of sugar-sweetened beverages.

    “Physical activity reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease associated ...

    A Cardiologist Answers Your Questions on New Weight-Loss Meds

    Weight loss drugs like Ozempic and Zepbound can lead to better heart health for people struggling with excess weight or diabetes, a University of Michigan cardiologist says.

    However, these medications help the heart best when combined with lifestyle changes like more exercise and a healthy diet, according to

    Weight-Loss Med Zepbound Lowers High Blood Pressure in Obese People

    The weight-loss drug Zepbound provides more health benefits than dropping pounds and controlling diabetes, a new study shows.

    It also appears to help people with obesity manage their high blood pressure, results show.

    Patients taking Zepbound (tirzepatide) experienced a significant reduction in their systolic blood pressure, the top number in a blood pressure reading, according to a...

    Could Eating Kimchi Each Day Help Folks Stay Slim?

    It's been a staple at Korean dinner tables for centuries, and the fermented veggie concoction known as kimchi is increasingly familiar to Americans.

    Now, Korean researchers say a few servings of the spicy food each day might help stave off weight gain.

    "Consumption of 1–3 servings/day of total kimchi was associated with a lower risk of obesity in men," and smaller amounts were lin...

    Practice 'Self-Compassion' to Help Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

    It's not easy to lose weight, especially when facing a world filled with the temptation of tasty treats and rich, delicious meals.

    But being kind to yourself can make the difference when it comes to sticking to a diet, a new study reports.

    Dieters who practice self-compassion -- showing themselves the same care and kindness they'd show loved ones -- are better able to get past an ov...

    Losing Weight for No Reason? See Your Doctor

    If you ever find yourself losing weight, even though you're not dieting or upping your exercise, go see a doctor. It can be a sign of cancer, researchers report.

    “Unexpected weight loss can come from cancer or many other conditions,” said study senior author Dr. Brian Wolpin. He directs the Gastrointestinal Cancer ...

    When Weight Loss Cures Diabetes, Risks for Heart Disease Tumble, Too

    Folks who drop pounds to help control their diabetes receive other substantial heath benefits for all their efforts, a new study says.

    Substantial weight loss that led to even a short-lived remission in type 2 diabetes also prompted a 40% lower rate in heart disease and a 33% lower rate of kidney disease, researchers report in the Jan. 18 issue of the journal

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • January 19, 2024
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  • FDA Finds No Link to Suicide With Drugs Like Wegovy, Ozempic

    Drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic, which have become a wildly popular way to lose weight or battle diabetes, show no link to suicidal thoughts or actions, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said Thursday.

    “Our preliminary evaluation has not found evidence that use of these medicines causes suicidal thoughts or actions,” an FDA

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • January 12, 2024
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  • Reddit Posts Show Ozempic, Wegovy Cutting Users' Alcohol Use

    Social media is abuzz with the possibility that newfangled weight loss drugs can also reduce cravings for alcohol, a new study says.

    Across a number of Reddit threads, users of weight-loss drugs like Ozempic reported that they felt less need to drink beer, wine and liquor.

    Threads bearing titles like “Did scientists accidentally invent an anti-addiction drug?” and “I don't kno...

    BMI or Body Fat Percentage: Measure Both to Gauge Health

    So, the new year has begun and everyone is trying to losing weight, but what is the best way to determine how many pounds you need to shed -- BMI or body fat?

    “Both body fat percentage and BMI are important to monitor. They give you a good starting point, but you don't want to use BMI alone to make a health diagnosis or define body fat,” said

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • January 6, 2024
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  • Study Shows No Sign Ozempic, Wegovy Raise Odds for Suicidal Thoughts

    Folks who take Ozempic or Wegovy for diabetes and weight loss need not worry about a higher risk of suicidal thoughts or feelings while on the medications, a new, large review finds.

    In the study, which was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, researchers turned to a database of more than 100 million patient records to measure the risks of suicidal ideation among people using...

    FDA Looking Into New Risks With Popular Weight-Loss Drugs

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is investigating reports of additional dangers linked to several wildly popular weight-loss drugs.

    In a quarterly report...

    Going Low-Carb? Avoid Meat to Keep the Weight Off Long-Term

    New research offers yet more evidence that veggies, whole grains and low-fat dairy products are good for you in the long run.

    "Our study goes beyond the simple question of, 'To carb or not to carb?'" said lead study author Binkai Liu, a research assistant in the nutrition department at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Healt...

    FDA Warns of Counterfeit Ozempic

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has uncovered counterfeit Ozempic shots in the legitimate U.S. drug supply chain, and is warning patients to be on their guard.

    The FDA said Thursday that it has seized thousands of counterfeit dos...

    Gradual Weight Loss Using Meds Helps Folks With Arthritis Live Longer

    Using a weight-loss medication to help you shed pounds gradually appears to help extend life for people with arthritis of the hips or knees, a new study finds.

    However, folks with arthritis who dropped pounds very quickly showed no benefit in terms of survival, and even a slight uptick in their risk for heart disease, a team of American and Chinese researchers found.

    The study's tak...

    Oprah Winfrey Says She Uses Weight-Loss Medication

    Media mogul Oprah Winfrey confirmed Wednesday that she has used a weight-loss medication to help her shed pounds and get healthy.

    Winfrey has added the drug to a regimen that includes regular exercise and other lifestyle tweaks, People magazine reported.

    Weight fluctuations "occupied five decades of space in m...

    Most Older Americans Think Medicare Should Cover Weight-Loss Meds: Poll

    An overwhelming majority of older Americans think health insurers and Medicare should cover the cost of weight-loss medications like Ozempic, Wegovy or Zepbound, a new survey has found.

    More than four out of five older adults (83%) think insurance companies should pay for drugs that help obese people manage their weight, according to poll re...

    No Sign that Ozempic, Wegovy Pose Threat to the Fetus: Study

    The diabetes and weight-loss drug Ozempic does not appear to harm a developing fetus when taken by pregnant women, a new study reports.

    Researchers found no elevated risk of birth defects among newborns of women who took medications to control their type 2 diabetes, compared with those who took insulin.

    During the decade-long study, researchers saw an increase in people trying to co...

    Pounds Return Once Zepbound Users Quit the Weight-Loss Drug: Study

    Folks who take the blockbuster weight-loss med tirzepatide (Zepbound) may regain much of the weight they lost soon after discontinuing it, new research shows.

    A trial funded by Eli Lilly, the injected drug's maker, found that “in patients with obesity or overweight, withdrawing tirzepatide led to substantial regain of weight."

    On the other hand, continuing on with tirzepatide kept...

    New Weight-Loss Drug Zepbound Is Now Available, Company Says

    The newly approved weight-loss medication known as Zepbound is now available for patients to take, drug maker Eli Lilly announced Tuesday.

    "Today opens another chapter for adults living with obesity who have been looking for a new treatment option like Zepbound," Rhonda Pacheco, group vice president of Lilly Diabetes and Obesity, U.S., said in a company

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • December 6, 2023
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  • Mounjaro Beats Ozempic for Weight Loss in Early Trial

    WEDNESDAY, Nov. 29, 2023 (Healthday News) -- The diabetes drug Mounjaro prompted more weight loss among overweight and obese adults than Ozempic did in a real-world setting, researchers report.

    Both Mounjaro (tirzepatide) and Ozempic (semaglutide) mimic the effects of the gut hormone GLP-1, which triggers insulin production, helps control appetite and slows the movement of food through th...

    Experimental Weight-Loss Drug Slashed Fat in Livers of Obese People

    Retatrutide, an experimental weight-loss drug that could compete against blockbusters Wegovy and Zepbound, may work wonders for obese folks with liver disease, new research shows.

    A wider study, published in June, found that retatrutide helped obese people lose about a quarter of their sta...

    Wegovy Cuts Heart Risks by 20% in Large Trial

    MONDAY, Nov. 13, 2023 (Healthday News) -- In a finding that could change the landscape of heart disease care, the wildly popular weight-loss drug Wegovy has proved its mettle in protecting the heart after lowering the risk of cardiac problems in patients by 20%.

    The results from this large, international study had been eagerly awaited by scientists and doctors alike. Why? It is the first ...

    FDA Investigating Hospitalizations Linked to Counterfeit Ozempic

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has received at least three reports of people being hospitalized after taking counterfeit versions of the wildly popular weight-loss drugs known as semaglutides.

    At least one of these reports includes mention of a counterfeit version of the Novo Nordisk medication Ozempic, CBS News reported.

    Ozempic and Wegovy, another semaglutide medic...

    Doctors: Want Patients to Lose Weight? Stay Upbeat

    When doctors advise patients to lose weight, an optimistic approach is more likely to get results.

    Researchers found that patients were more likely to participate in the recommended program and shed pounds if doctors presented obesity treatments as an “opportunity.” They compared that upbeat approach to emphasizing the negative consequences of obesity or using neutral language.


    In Study, Diabetes Drug Mounjaro Helped Dieters Shed an Average of 60 Pounds

    A new trial demonstrates the power of the diabetes drug Mounjaro in fighting obesity, helping folks who used the medication lose about 60 pounds.

    "In this study, people who added tirzepatide [Mounjaro] to diet and exercise saw greater, longer-lasting weight reduction than those taking placebo," Dr. Jeff Emmick<...

    Wegovy, Ozempic Help Folks Lose Weight, But How?

    As many doctors and patients hail the advent of weight-loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy as the perfect fix for obesity, some experts are urging caution.

    The drugs are not well-tolerated by everyone struggling with obesity. For some folks, the weight piles back on as soon as the medication stops. There are also financial and ethical considerations, according to a commentary published onl...

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